about three or four times recently I have developed a shakey sensation effecting my whole body and noticably my hands, it lasts for a short time and then disappears as quicky as it comes. Does anyone else experience this?
does anyone shake from time to time? - PBC Foundation
does anyone shake from time to time?

I sometimes get the shaky hands but not my body. I would suggest you go back to your doctors and explain to them what happens. We all have different symtoms with PBC but it is not always one of the symtoms of PBC. It is allways best to let them know when you develope something else. Hope this helps. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and eat regular meals.
Check out the tremors question. if its that then you are not alone.
Hi, I used to get this before I was diagnosed, I just started to shake from somewhere deep inside and it continued untill it was very visible.
Now I just get slight shakes occasionaly. I asked the doctor at the time the reply was no idea what it could be.........as usual
i told my consultant about that and other things like concentration, memory, numbness, he wrote it all down. At least by telling them these things it could help somewhere along the line with the collection of the data of PBC patients if there is such a thing and maybe in five or ten years time when someone asks they can be reassured that thats normal with the condition.
Hi - I get the whole body tremors from time to time, and the shaking hands, I had put it down to tiredness. I have 2 children to look after and seriously have to push myself to keep up! But who knows?
Hi - yes I get this from time to time. Usually eat a biscuit or some other high sugar food which seems to help quickly. Then follow up with a banana for some slow release. Since I have been going to Slimming World and following a much healthier diet it hasn't happened (6 months) so perhaps healthy eating is the answer for me!
Yes, I have had the vibrations going on 12 years. Worse time is just as I wake up. Can last all day at times. Feel it most if sitting around. Found out i had PBC January 2011. I don't tell anyone for fear that they will think I am crazy. I have enough complaints with PBC. Family tired of hearing about -becouse I don't look sick.