Had another cancelled appointment and facing an 18 week wait... anyone know the complaint process and going private?
Complaints: Had another cancelled appointment... - PBC Foundation
I'm at Kings college and they seem to change appointments regularly. I was wondering if other hospitals were the same? Where do you go? Does any one out there go to Royal Free? Are they the same? Thanks
Was at Barnsley but left cos of cancellations and lack of confidence in consultant. Changed to st James in Leeds and cancelled appointment and re referred so another 18 week wsit
this was at a hospital?
I"m sorry that's horrible. If you're not sure of the complaint procedure, go straight to the top and when they question you about whether or not you went through the complaint procedure, just say you don't know what it is. and while you're talking to him tell him your issues!
that must be so frustrating.
Hi Chazzy
Might be worth contacting the Patient Liaison Service at your local Hospital Trust. I know that I once contacted them when I was being messed about with appointments. They were really helpful and managed to get the information that I had been unable to get.
I have attached a link about Pals
Thank you going to contact them. Just so annoying when u want something sorting!! Thank you
Hi Chazzy
Good luck I hope you get it sorted. It is so frustrating, as the appointments are an opportunity to gain reassurance, to become more knowledgeable about your progress and to ask questions. In a sense they are a milestone and when they are cancelled it does feel like your life is on hold, and it can become difficult to focus on other things than the condition.
That said please try to remain positive, life sometimes has a way of sorting things out for you.
Hi Chazzy
On hospital info you should have complaint procedures.
But I usually get new date and go see dr and tell them to write to the specialist and say I'm stressed with the waiting etc.
I always phone the specialists secretary too and email anyone connected to get an earlier appointment and it's usually quicker than the complaints process.
Good luck.
Your GP can do a more urgent refferal , when your First referred to a consultant your GP will base this on routine or urgent Depending on any dx or test results. As you have already seen a consultantnt and this is a referral due to a cancellation I would speak to your GP to get this sorted for you Iam sure if they will, if they see how worried you are.
I went private for a different issue some years ago I just called the private hospital and made my appointment then had to get the GP to do the refferal as they needed all the medical notes. So ypur GP can do this for you if you choose to go that route.
How much was private?
Made a gp appointment but there's a weeks wait for that too!!! Grr
I think it would depend on the hospital but I paid £240 for the first consultation half an hour. Return appointments and further tests were charged separate. This was 3 years ago . But you can call your chosen hospital and get the costs at no obligation.
Oh didn't know that, will give them a bell x
My appointment to see the liver consultant was changed. I'm supposed to see them every six months but the new date isn't until November so will be nearly nine months. I'm not happy. Makes you feel like doctors don't care about PBC patients !!!!!!!