Hi just a quick question I've been suffering from fatigue and muscle pain and stomach problems pain in the right side and the back hurts more after eating, plus itching and rashes sometimes I also have a dry mouth and eyes and indigestion all the time. Also having memory problems I've had a ultrasound and CT scans stating I have fatty liver and my blood test are ok apart from GGT just wandering how pbc is diagnosed
How is pbc diagnosed : Hi just a quick... - PBC Foundation
How is pbc diagnosed

Well sounds like I was reading my own symptoms. I've not been diagnosed. I'm still going thru the process. My Hepa thinks my high Alp is caused from fatty liver. So, if I lose weight then keep retesting high in Alp, then I'll probably get diagnosed. You have to have two out of three for a diagnosis. Most are diagnosed with a high Alp and a positive Ama/Ama M2. Or you can have a biopsy done. A biopsy only tests 1/50,000 of the liver, and pbc in early stages can be patchy and focal. So, it can miss it, especially in early stages from what I understand. I think Drs usually go by blood tests unless there's question of other liver disorders. There is also Ama negative PBC, but I don't think it's very common. Do you have a high Ama and Alkaline Phosphate (Alp)?
I haven't had a ama blood test my GP doesn't seem interested I've asked the surgery I want to be referred to a hepatologist but I've been told to ring back Monday my GP is not very helpful this has been going on for over 2 years now and I'm not getting anywhere I've got a private online liver test to do the postman is picking it up Monday. Thanks for the reply
Yeah I'd keep trying to get in to see a hepatologist. If your eyes and mouth are dry. I'd ask for Sjogrens testing or have your Ana antibody checked. I have the eye thing too and mouth is dry at times. In my case, my Ana is high but subsequent tests are negative. But, enough that the Rheumatologist has me coming in every 6 mos for tests.
My alp was 49 in July I've had another blood test since but there not on my GP surgery app but I was told they were ok apart from my GGT
Elevated alkaline phosphatase and a specific autoimmune antibody known as AMA are the markers for a diagnosis of PBC. These can be checked via a routine blood test. The PBC foundation are very helpful if you want to ask them any questions about PBC.
Are ama done in a fbc
These are my symptoms to a T , I too have had MRI,ultrasound and CT of abdomen all okay, I first I was convinced the stomach issues may be Gallstones but I recently had a HIDA scan that showed gallbladder all okay. I have been to a gastroenterologist who as run a few test and extensive blood test. I knew I was ANA positive for anti centromere and I am under the Rheumatologist for possible limited Systemic Sclerosis but he is reluctant to actually diagnose this ,I get possible, probably ever time, I informed him of all these symptoms but again he says he doesn’t think any of them are related.I recently had my bloods done at GP and that showed a B12 deficiency which I have never had before.I have been having injections for that and get another blood test in a few weeks, he asked about my diet but is the same as before so I don’t know any reason for the sudden drop in B12 unless it’s the stomach problems.
I share you issues with GP they don’t seem interested and just seem to want to give you and pill and make you go away.I worry that if i haven’t been diagnosed then my treatment may be wrong or lacking.
Good luck and hope you get some answers,
My b12 was 2000 last time i had a blood test a few days after b12 injection
my Rheumatologist,
Seems to think my symptoms aren’t related to systemic sclerosis or PBC , I have asked to be referred to another specialist in systemic sclerosis, whether that will happen I don’t know ?
I am back at the gastroenterologist in 5 weeks and will ask about PBC and liver at my appointment, but as it’s only my ANA centromere that’s positive >8 the Dr seems to think I don’t have PBC but I do have same symptoms as you.
Symptoms matter but without the blood tests, particularly AMA, AMA M2, IgM 2 positive as well as a higher end ALP likely something else. Keep seeking answers.
Thanks for the reply
Thank you
I will,I have been reading about the chance of AMA negative PBC ,I know it’s only 5% chance of that. My IgM levels are low and my serum globulin is abnormal,low at 22.9 my Dr said oh that’s just you ,you are low ?
Thanks again I will keep on looking for answers.
What is lgm levels, my globulin was 33 in may yours is in range
No mine is low on blood result shown up as abnormal,by lab ,normal range with this lab is 24.00-43.00g/L. Range varies depending on lab and how measured.is yours in g/L ?
Thank you
I will,I have been reading about the chance of AMA negative PBC ,I know it’s only 5% chance of that. My IgM levels are low and my serum globulin is abnormal,low at 22.9 my Dr said oh that’s just you ,you are low ?
Thanks again I will keep on looking for answers.
I have a blood test to check B12 in 10 days
yes I had a gastroscope and hoch showed nothing , not sure what he looked for but said it was all okay. Good luck