Hi all anyone got or heard of Enlarged or swollen Bile Ducts have had my Ultra Sound today and this is a new finding got to go back for MRI Scan to have a more detailed look yet another thing to worry about Take Care x
Bile Ducts: Hi all anyone got or heard of... - PBC Foundation
Bile Ducts

Have they said you've got pbc? O suppose it could mean your bile ducts are bigger because of inflammation which can then becpme scarred in pbc.are you waiting for more tests or blood test results. ..if not think probably need doc to do some blood tests this can rule in/out pbc.let us know how u get on.x
Sorry didn't read that properly good luck wiyh mri
Hi cavi, an ultrasound last year found one of my bile ducts was a bit enlarged, I assume because of damage from pbc. I will ask them to check again in another year or so. Hopefully urso may have stopped it getting any worse
Hello liver-bird.
One thing that I don't know which I am curious about is that in PBC with it being the bile ducts that are damaged due to it causing the liver to be damaged through leaking of bile into it, when we take urso does it mean that our body makes less of it due to having additonal bile being added or is it a case that we still produce the same amount of bile.
I do presume that we use more bile if we consume high fat foods for eg as bile is needed to act like a detergent on it to break it up and does the gallbladder remain quite full if it has emptied after consuming food?
I can't help wonder if this is so, by a slight dietary change would be be helping ourselves even more if we did have less bile.
I know when I was about to be diagnosed with PBC and following, I did ask re dietary and the consultant just said to continue eating as normal. He did know that I was considered to have a pretty healthy diet pre-PBC and also after being diagnosed but I often can't help but wonder if it is possible to try to limit even more damage alongside the urso.
Hi, I have enlarged lymph nodes on either side of my CBD, this helped them determine that I have PBC. Urso is working great for me though.
They can become enlarged or swollen due to a blockage, (this is what I gather from my consultant). The bile can't flow through because the bile ducts have furred up (narrowed) so the ducts expands like a ballon. I know my consultant has talked to me about and it is called beading. But this might not be what has happened to your bile ducts, it could something different, you're doctor will let you know I'm sure. Hope all goes ok with next MRI.
Hello cavi.
In PBC it is said that the bile ducts are under attack and that is why we can have liver damage, due to leakage of bile. I expect anything that is under attack or damaged in or outside the body can inflame slightly so that could perhaps be the reason why.
I had a scan back in 2010 when I started itching and it was decided I had a problem related to liver. I know when I went to see the consultant for the first appointment a few months later he said that the scan showed my liver and surrounding organs to look pretty much normal and at the time he said he could actually see bile ducts that looked clear.