Do many of you have deposits of cholesterol on your eyelids and around your eyes.
Deposits around my eyes: Do many of you have... - PBC Foundation
Deposits around my eyes

Yes I have them mainly down the side of my nose near my eyes. They don't bother me but I don't like the hardness of them. Apparently it's just another of the identifying factors.
I used to have just one it was quite large, it irritated me so much that I used to fiddle with it then one day it just came away and since being on the Ursofalk it has not come back. I am interested to read from teddybear7 that it is another factor. This PBC seems to affect us in so many different ways.
best wishes
Is this the same as a Melia ?
Which is a hard white spot
I have had them for years and have them removed by an understanding beautician
Just a small razer cut (tiny) and they pop out
I think what you are referring to boneytoys re the hard whte spots that 'pop out' are whiteheads believe it or not. I did once have a couple and one I did remove myself as I didn't like it on my cheek. I just pricked the side with a needle I had run over a naked flame to sterilise and had no problem at all.
As far as I understand cholesterol deposits don't tend to be a uniform round spot like the one I have mentioned here and they are of a slightly different colour and texture.
Apparently it's a sign of PBC - also cholesterol - over the years had many and I remove them myself by breaking skin gently with sterilised needle and popping out - small creamy/hard fatty deposit.
Anyone with a high cholesterol level Wendy29 can apparently develop these cholesterol patches that can be seen on the face/eyes not just someone with PBC. I think what you mean is that we can be more prone to getting them with having PBC and a compromised hepatic system.

Yes peridot - if you have a liver condition you are more prone to high cholesterol - and melia is just one little symptom if you can call it that. Reading your posts, I wonder if you may be interested on a liver disease short course run free of charge on line by Birmingham University through Future Learn - it's not live now but I'm pretty sure you can still access it by googling 'future learn liver disease course'. It was very good - perhaps you know about it already but if not I thoroughly recommend it. Not everybody wants to know all the details but like you I am interested to know.
Hello Kentay.
Well I've not yet got any of these deposits.
I just have at night time a very slight yellow tinge in the very corner of my eye whites. Inn the morning when I get up my whites of my eyes are perfectly clear and white again. Apparently this can also be due to age (I am not far off 51).
I try to limit fat intake myself, always have but reduced further on PBC diagnosis 4yrs ago.
I eat porridge as that is supposed to be good for cholesterol reduction. I sometimes get fed up of all the health news and the things that were once deemed bad are now now and vice-versa. I know that prawns are said to be high cholesterol but it's apparently the good cholesterol. I still eat prawns at intervals (use them in cooking) and I also have eggs that were once given a bad label.
Yes, I too have them around my eyes. I try not to think about them too much. I wish the fatigue was as easy to ignore
Hi everyone, its called Xanthelasma, I don't have high cholesterol but I do have this and yes it was a pointer to PBC
Yes me to I have them on my eye lids and also now under one of my eyes I can cope with the ones on my eye lids but hate the one under my eye its really noticeable my cholesterol is now under control and as been for years now but still getting them the one under my eye is making my skin sag and look as if I have got bags under my eye and no make up will hide them if anything they look worse when I try to cover them i have looked in to having these removed but told they will come back I just dread to think what these are going to look like in a few more years never thought I would ever end up with these horrid eyes my eyes have always been so lovely I can just sit and cry when I look at myself and I know people look twice at me if you ever find out how to get these treated without having surgery please let me know Take Care x
I have these above both eyes. They are called xanthelasma and are soft and filled with cholesterol fat. They are also an indicator of increased risk of cardiovascular problems and can be pbc related. They can be removed by surgery and there is chance that they will return. There are now other ways of removing them which are showing signs of success. If you search for xanthelasma it gives you more info. Yet another little gift from pbc !!
Yeah, I have the plaques near corner of my eyes, also a white ring around my iris, hate them x