Pernicious Anaemia Society | HealthUnlocked

Pernicious Anaemia Society

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very high B12 no injections or supplements

Has anyone had very high B12 ? My B12 has been 2000 for years .. I have peripher...
lynnwin profile image

NHS Guidelines 2-monthly injections for B12 deficiency patients with neurological symptoms

Hello All, Browsing the internet (as you do!) and have come across two NHS-issu...
New144 profile image

I feel like crying ...

Hi Guys I need cheering up please. As you know I was dx with PA by my GP in ...
Wwwdot profile image

B-12 Injections frequency / Hair Loss

Like many of us my hair is falling out extremely bad & month been for over 6 mon...

Stopping B12 Injections

Hi all I've just been for my 3 monthly injection only to be told that I might no...

B12 and dementia, a brief mention

For anyone interested, this is a mention of some new thoughts on the impact of n...
Myoldcat profile image

Hassles With GP Receptionist over B12 Jab

I just wondered if anyone else experienced this. I used to get a B12 jab every 3...

Extreme exertion-based fatigue even with normal levels + years of treatment?

Hi, friends. Just checking to see if I’m alone or if any of you have found solu...

PA and the Dentist

I have found someone who understand PA ! My new dentist. I have had PA since 2...
purpleabc profile image

Will B12 tablets help???

So i get a B12 injection every 3 months, however my symptoms start to appear rou...
Cb1963 profile image

Frequent urination after B12 injections

Just wondering if anyone else experiences the need for frequent urination, a sho...

Can B12 injections help with tinnitus symptoms?

Hello! I wondered if anybody had any experience with tinnitus and b12 deficiency...
MissMonty profile image

Active B12 test in USA?

Has anyone ever been able to find and take an active/functional B12 test anywher...


I've had about 10 injections now and things are getting worse. My pain is worse ...


Im looking a bit of advice please, last year i was getting b12 injection from th...
Tinal25 profile image

After 25 years they have stopped my B12 - what can I do?

I'm in my early sixties. Generally very good health. On no medication. About tw...

Me again! Ferritin 37 midJune,baffled as to how it has raised another 25 to 110 in a wk,taking no iron please?

Hi,I posted recently a bit confused due to ferritin results... March 25th 48 (nh...
Jo5454 profile image

Titrating down EOD to E3D?

Going from SI every other day to every three--who's done it? And why did you dec...

B12 defficiency and bad behaviour

I met my girlfriend 6 months ago. We have lots in common and are very compatibl...
B12_curious profile image

Article states b2 deficiency the cause of functional b12 deficiency

what do you all think about this article which states serum b12 can be falsely e...
B12life profile image

Worried high MCH & MCV

Good morning all has been a worrying time for me lately. I have just been throu...

Wow...happening now in the USA. Curious if this is why B12 is hard to get across USA.

Is this normal after SI?

Hi. As previously mentioned, I've been SI 1000mcg Hydroxycobalamin every other d...
Laverdista profile image

Psoriatic arthritis - anybody diagnosed with this?

Hi guys. Just wondering if anyone had been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis? I...

Thoughts on reducing frequency of injections

I have been SI EOD for three months now. Plus all cofactors. I have had the odd ...
Chickens44 profile image

Get worse before better?

I have read lots of posts about reversing out, but just wanted to have a moan. I...
Chickens44 profile image

Still fighting for a diagnosis B12, PA

Due to my ongoing failing health I've had to do my own research as to the pathwa...

is a glass or two of red wine so bad?

I know the whole subject of alcohol whilst on B12 injections has probably been d...

Back to trace blood in urine again! I am at my lowest ebb yet.

So I was doing ok over a month ago. Not perfect but ok. Everything has really g...
Gobbozoid profile image

Folic acid = tummyache!

Hi all, I am meant to take one 5mg tablet of folic acid with each injection, tha...
Myoldcat profile image
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