Good morning all has been a worrying time for me lately. I have just been through a cancer 2WW for colonoscopy due to high amount of blood in Q-Fit stool test.. Thankfully colonoscopy showed 2 polyps, diverticulitis and haemeroids.
GP rushed me in about 3 weeks ago to look at a weird rash which suddenly appeared on my leg (cappilliaritis he said) but did blood tests for everything.
I had a phone call to discuss these on Friday and I asked about my high MCV (104.5) - was 101 in March and MCH (34) - was 37 in March and low RBC 3.74) - was 3.00 in March, Serum protein electrophoresis result also said "mild acute phase ? inflammation/infection. I basically asked if I should be self injecting more to which he replied that my B12 and Folate were through the roof last time he checked them (he doesn't check them anymore as he knows I self inject). I gave him Dr Chandy's book years ago and he doesn't give me any grief. He asked if I drink a lot, stated thyroid is fine and said the only other thing to check is bone marrow. He has asked me to go for a blood test for myelodysplasia/ haemolysis.
I haven't told anyone else about the blood test but I am slightly worried. Is it possible that the high levels could still be due to my B12 even though I self inject once a week and feel okayish in myself.
Thank you for reading ❤️