Frequent urination after B12 injections - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Frequent urination after B12 injections

Laverdista profile image
16 Replies

Just wondering if anyone else experiences the need for frequent urination, a short time after self-injecting?

I'm finding that within 30 minutes of the injection I need to pee several times. It could be a coincidence, but wondered if it's normal? Hopefully it's not me peeing out the freshly-injected B12!

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Laverdista profile image
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16 Replies
Nackapan profile image

You do pee out what's not used from the high dose Injected so common.

Laverdista profile image
Laverdista in reply to Nackapan

Thanks. Since I'm relatively early in self-injecting (just under a month), does that mean I'm 'wasting' a lot of (much-needed) B12, or merely that my body just can't process that amount in one go?

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Laverdista

Hopefuly your body will take what it needs .Also gets if to cell level

I always got a headache the day after injection. Still can.

Its s huge dose.

Needed tk override process nog working properly by absorbtion.

Bellabab profile image
Bellabab in reply to Nackapan

It takes time for B12 to be absorbed so unlikely you are peeing it straight out. More likely due to adrenaline being released when we jab ourselves with a sharp needle - result a rise in blood pressure & a need to urinate.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Bellabab

Not for me .Definitely wee more day of injection.

Bellabab profile image
Bellabab in reply to Nackapan

Yes - because jabbing yourself releases adrenaline that makes you pee more.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Bellabab

Im sure it can.I'm just saying what hapens to me .

Over thd last 6 years I've become pretty immune to actual injections as had hundreds .

I'm not saying i pee it straight out as you state.

Im just aware I have to pee alot more on injection day and night .

Bellabab profile image
Bellabab in reply to Nackapan

I did not say you pee the B12 straight out - its just that a burst of adrenaline happens even from a jab you are used to and the increased blood pressure results in more peeing.

EllaNore profile image

Hello Laverdista, You definitely are not peeing out the B12 you just injected. It would take time to work its way through your system. I find my B12 has caused nerve issues and my bladder leaks all the time. Trickles, dribbles and it's just plain a pain in the toy know what. I've had a lot of bladder treatments surgeries in the past for interstitial cystitis that nobody could tell me why I had it but as I got older and I started researching B12 deficiency and pernicious anemia i learned these things come about. This condition of B12 deficiency/ pernicious anemia takes a very long time to develop. In the meantime you develop a lot of things that you just excuse for other stuff, bladder problems being one of them. But I know now with my B12 deficiency that it really affects my bladder. There's days where my bladder just constantly leaks and then there's days that I hardly have to use the restroom. It's very unpredictable. At night I use a bedside commode so that I don't have to walk all the way to the bathroom every night because I'll never get back to sleep . So I use a bedside commode so I can use the restroom and jump right back in bed . With hardly even waking up anymore. Plus I don't have any fear of falling in the dark because of my balance issues . It's very handy . Anyway, if you Google "does pernicious anemia affect your bladder"? it most certainly does. I spent most of my life treating all of my symptoms as if they were other things and only now that I'm nearly 63 years old I'm only now learning that all of my early symptoms were because of pernicious anemia. You're just starting your injections so you're going to experience what's called reversing out. Where your symptoms could get a little bit worse before they get better and you might even develop new symptoms that will come and then go away again. It's not unusual, it's very common. You can expect things like your feet to tingle. Maybe even your lips. Your right side could hurt where your liver is when you first start injecting because your liver's been depleted for so long of the B12 that it stores. You can have balance issues, cognitive and emotional issues, and all sorts of things. Anyway this is what I Googled and this is what it came up with when I asked does pernicious anemia affect your bladder.:

Yes, pernicious anemia can affect your bladder:

Urinary incontinence: A symptom of pernicious anemia is urinary incontinence.

Neurogenic bladder: Pernicious anemia can cause neurogenic bladder, which is a condition where the bladder doesn't function properly due to impaired innervation.

Other urinary disturbances: Other urinary disturbances that can occur with pernicious anemia include:


Weakness of the urinary stream

Urinary retention


Overflow incontinence

Other symptoms of pernicious anemia include:

fatigue, pale appearance, tingling sensation, depression, alterations to vision and smell, and psychotic episodes.

Laverdista profile image
Laverdista in reply to EllaNore

Thank you so much for the very detailed reply - That's amazing! So, I guess I have another symptom to put down to B12 deficiency. I had also read that excessive urination severely depletes folate levels, so it's a catch-22 situation.

Really struggling with the mental symptoms of reversing out, to be brutally honest. Had to phone Samaritans a few times in the last week already, which is not something I thought I'd ever say. 😔

Thanks again for such a detailed reply to my question - It's much appreciated.


EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply to Laverdista

Your are very welcome. I personally have high folate and nobody can tell me why. And my urination is constant. So I don't know if that is an issue, for me anyway. But the mental and emotional symptoms that this causes are isolating, for me. So I completely understand what you're going through. Reach out to us here, because we have all gone through that and still are. I believe that the mental and emotional repercussions of B12 deficiency pernicious anemia are, for me, one of the worst symptoms that I have. The pain in my abdomen is another really bad issue and my inability to walk very far without being completely exhausted. But I'm hoping when they fix my blood situation that maybe that will get better. You Are Not Alone. Things that you would not even imagine can be symptoms of B12 deficiency. When I first started this journey 3 yrs ago to treat this, I didn't know what to expect. I was pretty scared at some of the symptoms. 10 years prior, i had lost my ability to do graphic design. My brain would not create. Could not create or even do simple math or comprehend what i read. I thought it was stress. My anxiety was through the roof. They were pretty bad. All of that was PA. B12 had brought back my creativity. I am painting and being creative and holding conversations without forgetting what i was saying. Most of the time LOL. This forum helped me so much. I started looking for help because I was scared and I found this forum.🤗

B12 has helped with most of that and I can even ride an electric scooter when I can't walk. Mobility is everything. I won't stop going outside because I can't walk. I ride that thing a few blocks to the post office and it has changed everything. I won't be able to ride it if I'm dizzy though. But so far so good. You WILL get better and learn to live with the things that may linger. For me symptoms come and go and there are days I think a lot of us completely crash. I have to learn to accept that. Good luck.

Laverdista profile image
Laverdista in reply to EllaNore

Thank you so much. I'm admiring your positivity, which is inspirational, and I wish you continued improvement. 🤞🙏

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Laverdista

It's a rough rollercoaster. You will improve.

Hectorsmum2 profile image
Hectorsmum2 in reply to EllaNore

Hi . I have freuquent unrination and incontinence. I used to leave puddles behind me on the way to the bathroom at night. I have been greatly helped by some pumpkin seed and soy germ extract. Almost continent now and much more aware of full bladder and when I need to go. B12 injections used to help but not so much these days, perhaps I need them more often but I have tried eod.

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply to Hectorsmum2

Thank you for the tip Hectorsmum2. I have never heard of that. It is worth a try. My bladder is terrible. Constant dribbling and frequent urgency. Getting worse these days. Can't go anywhere without needing to stop every 20 minutes. Very irritating. I inject ED and it is not helping anymore.

auldreekie profile image

You need to take folate without it less B12 can be absorbed. And yes excess will be urinated away which is why B12 is a safe vitamin to inject. Ideally it comes from food (plants) but a supplement is likely needed for most of us here (your dr should ought to prescribe it if you are getting B12 injections - but they are hopeless) . Have a read about the best one to get.

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