Hello! I wondered if anybody had any experience with tinnitus and b12 deficiency please? I have hashimotos/ underactive thyroid that is now being successfully treated with NDT medication. I have also recently been diagnosed with b12 deficiency and have started b12 injections every other day for 3 weeks, then to drop to weekly. This diagnosis was made on symptoms as my b12 was within range on the labs. The symptoms were muscle twitching (eyes, hands, feet, legs), tingling tongue and lips, and also tinnitus. The muscle twitching has stopped within a few days of the b12 injections, however the tinnitus has remained. I'm hoping it's just a matter of patience and it may reduce in severity given time? Any experience with this would be greatly appreciated as it's probably the most annoying symptom out of them all, but als seems the most stubborn to leave
Can B12 injections help with tinnitus... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Can B12 injections help with tinnitus symptoms?

Strangely my tinnitus started with b12 loading injections .I called it the B12 buzz.
It has lessened but not gone away .
Can make me very irritable and definitely sound sensitive.
I can now open a present wrapped in paper .
I cang deal with plastic packaging.
Alot on food not even needed.
I still geg s numb nose with stripes snd headpins.
Tinnitus awful then.
Massaging my skull .
Pressure in front of my ears helps.
I only notice when it's not there .
Alit havd posted its gone with enough B12
Probably not what you want to hear, but my tinnitus started after I began self injecting (4.5 months) ago and comes and goes but is more here than not here. Much worse when it's quiet! This past week or has altered from a high pitched squeal to a whooshing sound in one ear at night, not sure if that means it's on its way out or not. Sorry if that's not what you were hoping for, but as you say, it seems to be the most stubborn symptom for sure!!
I’ve had tinnitus for many years and several years of injecting B12 has not helped, in fact it’s now increased to pulsatile tinnitus in one ear which is annoying. Sorry not much help 😵💫
I just looked pulsatile tinnitus up online and it sounds like what I now have in one ear. It's only at night though, is yours? I am still getting the old high pitched squeal again too through the day.
I have the most problems with it after I have been hanging out somewhere that is loud, certain restaurants or loud concerts. Very best wishes!
It might be another Vitamine that helps. I would suggest researching this.
I had some off and on tinnitus which did clear up when I started injections. Sadly it came back with a vengeance when I last got Covid and had been near constant since June. 😭
I had tinnitus and vertigo for many years and both resolved when I started on B12 injections.
My tinnitus resolved with folate and B12 - you have only been on injections for a short time so it is too soon to know. You are doing well to have resolved some symptoms so quickly. I'm working on ones that I've had for nearly 25 years! Nerves take time, so stick with it. Cheers
My tinnitus hasn't improved with B12. Mine is worse when I'm tired.
I had intermittent tinnitus. However after 2 - 3 months on B12 it disappeared, although I still occasionally have pulsatile tinnitus especially after rising in morning. Wishing you well as I know how wearing tinnitus can be. It appears different people have different response rates of recovery for most symptoms.So persevere with treatment.
You only reduce injections when no further improvement to symptoms can be seen. NICE guidelines. Worth pushing for more than currently promised, but be prepared to self inject.
My tinnitus has gone after 10(?) months of eod and more recently every day injections. Vertigo, which I noticed March 23 as a bit of dizzyness if I looked up, went much worse but is nearly gone now.
You may find lots of niggly things you just got on with start to disappear. I struggle to remember everything that seems to have disappeared with adequate treatment.
My memory does seem worse than ever, but I'm hopeful it's next on the fix list!
Good luck
Mine did get a little better but then came back to its original volume however it does lessen on the odd occasion , good luck I hope you find some improvement with yours😀
Thank you so much to you all for taking the time to reply and sharing your personal experiences, I really appreciate knowing I'm not alone with this annoying symptom. It sounds as though, like most things, everyone's experiences with it are very different and it's just a case of waiting to see what happens! X
Injecting caused my ferritin to drop (I finally start IV infusions today!). My tinnitus seemed to come on along with the drop in iron. Everyone is different, but something else to look at if the b12 isn’t helping.
My tinnitus greatly improved after B12 injections started.
"have also recently been diagnosed with b12 deficiency and have started b12 injections every other day for 3 weeks, then to drop to weekly"
Have you been tested for PA (Pernicious Anaemia) and Coeliac disease?
I left detailed replies with info you might find useful in this thread below.
Help Needed! Have I got Pernicious Anaemia?
I'm not a health professional.
Thank you sleepybunny for all the info. Much appreciated. I've not been tested coeliac .. but I am gluten free, as I get a facial rash every time I eat it. I've also noticed my thyroid TPO antibodies have come down significantly since cutting out gluten.. so I avoid it like the plague now. I did do a medichecks PA blood test recently before starting the injections, but it came back saying everything was fine. However I believe that there is not really any fool proof blood test? Hence being treated on symptoms xx
"but I am gluten free, as I get a facial rash every time I eat it"
Coeliac disease can present as a skin rash called Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
If you accidentally eat gluten and the rash happens again, perhaps you could take a photo and show it to GP.
Coeliac UK article about DH.
I think people with suspected coeliac disease who have cut out gluten, are supposed to be referred to a gastro-enterologist.
"NICE guideline Coeliac disease" is worth reading if you've got the time.