I did a trial of Betaine 2+ years ago and determined it did not have any effect. I revisited and determined it had no effect in the dose recommended on the product. I may have come across an amount based on weight, I do not recall.
I administered a total of 22.5 g per day dissolved in water over 5 to 6 times per day. That is what my many trials showed to be effective. 1 year +-
To evaluate, I used the level of ‘my stuffy head’. There were other overall positive effects that one was definitive.
I then administered 500mg 5 times per day dissolved in water. I administered 500 mg once a day and then increased by 500 mg once a week.
The first trial I experienced symptoms returning to the level they were a year ago. Through my many trials I am able to determine if the effect is positive even though symptoms get worse.
When experiencing under supplementation of B12 at 1.5 mg per day I experienced agony and symptoms were worse than ever before. Then my body would plateau at that level of under supplementing of B12. Through study, exploration and discovery I learned I would benefit from higher amounts of B12.
I do not believe the reversing out concept of nerves coming online is correct for all. The experience is real. It is a case of incorrect causation. In my case the cause was ineffective supplementation as evidenced by elimination of symptoms.
So it was 4 weeks of disruption to get to a dose of NAD that was more effective. It wore me out and I needed much sleep and rest. Trusting that I was correct and the change was positive was hard emotionally.
After 4 weeks I was pleased with my work.
I started a trial of NAC of 1g and it had an immediate effect. I choose to administer 1g 5 times a day.
The result was flashing in my right eye which I concluded was most likely my optic nerve healing and it resolved in three days. I then experienced my stuffy head for a few hours randomly and then it would resolve. Not unlike when I used to get lightning pain. It was weird and took a while to figure out. It was nerve wracking to experience.
I also experienced itching at first in my lower legs which resolved with the application of a cream with magnesium in it. Then the itching spread to my back and then my neck. No rash. I assumed it was my neurological system healing or possibly homocysteine being released.
Then I had an upset stomach. I am not at all prone to that. I do not do the take with food thing to prevent an upset stomach. Sometimes it is a matter of efficacy.
So at 6 days I threw in the towel. The feeling that I was making myself worse overpowered my intellectual understanding that it was likely positive and would resolve. Exploration and discovery is like that for me. Pretty much I hit an emotional wall and that sucked big time.
I abstained for a day and could tell that the most recent symptoms abated and the ones prior to starting the trial increased slightly.
I am now administering with food and taking a probiotic three times a day. I will increase as symptoms indicate.
I have stopped the Betaine as it seems that there may be a conflict and the NAC with NAD seems to be more effective for the same symptoms.
I do not assume that any digestive issues are the result of a side effect as I experience digestive issues that I feel are the result of my neurological system healing and my neurological system controls my digestive system. Most demonstratively when I first stopped severely under supplementing B12 the injections.
I will hang in there a while before I study for an alternative. It is also possible the NAC is healing my digestion. See NAC and digestion.
Some day I may post about my symptoms of under suplimentation , incorrect suplimentation, symptoms of healing and results of healing. Naw, too much work for the value to me.
Hey, if it was easy a doctor could do it successfully for the patient and not simply successful for the doctors. They have yet to do so.