Pushing vs being Pushed: In the last... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Pushing vs being Pushed

WIZARD6787 profile image
23 Replies

In the last 6 weeks I have been developing a method and increasing my understanding of how pushing thru exercise affects me with my current level of having healed. In a way giving me control in that I know more what I should do.

I have never been a no pain no gain guy. I do believe that exercising my neurological system has value to my healing. I understand I may be incorrect in that it might just be better to wait for my supplementation to take effect.

Life right now is pushing me and some of what is pushing me is out of my control. I am not about we all make our own reality as to do so would require that I caused/created my B12 deficiency or the effects are not reality.

I am fearful of being pushed. I would not label it as anxiety caused by some mysterious character flaw rather it is a reasonable reaction given my experience when being pushed.

There is some value in having pushed in the last 5 weeks as being pushed it is not a solve rather I understand more now what to expect.

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WIZARD6787 profile image
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23 Replies
Wwwdot profile image

Hi Wiz

Always a hard decision whether to play safe and accept silver or go for gold.

Sounds like your plan is paying dividends. Pushing through PA is a long game, we have to learn from our mistakes and be prepared to try them again as our bodies change. Takes courage, patience and a lot of mental effort.

But it’s certainly worth it!

Keep up the great work!


Ghound profile image

Hi, I understand. I feel in a total state of collapse just now, due to a year of stress caused by family circumstances.

As if both my parents declining rapidly with dementia isn't bad enough, my sister visits from the USA a couple of times, to criticise and undermine my efforts in caring for them. That's when she's not ranting and issuing orders from afar !

I'm certain it's been depleting my B12 more rapidly than normal.

I usually self inject weekly, but I'm going to try upping the frequency.

My parents and a 95 year old uncle rely on me, I can't afford to be out of commission !

Best wishes to you and everyone here xx

WIZARD6787 profile image
WIZARD6787 in reply toGhound

I'm so sorry. That's a rough road to hoe for sure!❤️

Ghound profile image
Ghound in reply toWIZARD6787

Thanks Wizard, Your kind words help make things bearable, cheers for that!👍😊

EllaNore profile image

I apologize for my long reply. I was going to send it in a private message, but I hope it helps you or someone else too.

I also don't believe, in most cases, that we create our own medical issues, that would mean that little babies born with cancer or disabilities etc must have did something in the womb to cause it. I do think to some degree we can cause our own problems (stress), but not ALL of them. This isn't in your head and you did not create it yourself. Unless you consumed too much alcohol, took omeprazole or metformin for extended periods of time or are a vegan/vegetarian. There is nothing you could have done to not get PA.

I too push myself. It is a process. You'll know how far you can go. What I've learned is, that I know if I go hiking or walking or I do too much that I will be in bed for 2 or 4 days like I am right now. But I wouldn't stop pushing myself for anything in the world. The less I push, the worse it can be. I find if I sit around too much, I actually am in worse shape. My feet hurt more, my legs hurt more, and my mental state worsens. And when your mental state worsens that can make things worse all the way around. So in that sense we can make our situation worse by the things we think. Which by the way, can be completely unreasonable due to the PA. It can distort your way of thinking. So, I go out walking in the woods or go to the lake and I take pictures. It is difficult. And I do pay for it, but I won't stop. Because the alternative is to sit around and do nothing and still be in pain and in even worse pain. Not to mention that sitting around makes your mental state worse.

4 days ago I had to lay on my stomach on an MRI table on a board and my arms were up above my head and my head was down, I was so uncomfortable I had to lay there for over 15 minutes like that. 15 minutes doesn't seem long but it was 15 minutes of pure hell. And because of that my spine has been hurting me so bad and my neck that I've been in bed ever since with a blinding 4 day headache. Yesterday, I thought I was going to get better so I got up and I was doing things. Because laying down sometimes hurts more. So I was up and down, up and down. On days like that I can't push myself. And I did nothing but lay on a table to create this situation. I would much rather hike in the woods and go to the lake to be bedridden for 4 days. So you never know what's going to affect you. Laying on a table for 15 minutes was worse than any 3-hour hike that I've done. You have to know your limitations and the only way to do that is to push yourself and discover your limitations and your abilities. They don't stay the same however. One day you could walk a mile and be ok and another day you can't even walk 5 ft. So it is trial and error and you will get to know yourself and you will get to know your abilities and your limitations. I think it's good to push yourself. Because the alternative of laying around doing nothing will make things a hundred times worse.

Sorry this is so long. But by the way anxiety and strange anxiety at that, is a major symptom of PA. . Anxiety is a huge huge issue with PA. And it is not your fault. It is definitely a neurological thing. As well as depression. Even the slightest bit of pressure can send my anxiety through the roof. The holidays are coming up and I have major anxiety about it. People are going to expect things of me that I can't do.

There are certain sounds, light, and different triggers that set off my anxiety. Things you would never imagine. Like just having bangs hanging down in front of my eyes. I cut my hair and I am very sorry that I did. My bangs dangling in front of my face make me very agitated. Tickling my face, causing me to flinch when they move in a breeze or just constantly falling in my eyes. The sound of a sports broadcaster. It's very noisy and confusing sounding and I get very very anxious and agitated with too much noise and talking at me. Background noise! Very agitating. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

Also, I wonder if perhaps you need more frequent B12 injections.

I don't know how long you've had PA or how many injections you do. But I inject daily. And I'm thinking about injecting more often than that. Or at least when I'm crashing. The weird thing is I never know when I'm going to crash. I still have not found any rhyme or reason. Except when I don't get enough sleep. Which is almost every night. I only sleep about 4 or 5 hours a night and wake up several times to use the restroom.

Well, I hope this long response is helpful.

Good luck to you.😊

WIZARD6787 profile image
WIZARD6787 in reply toEllaNore

Hey EllaNore.

Thank you for your reply it is appreciated. NP with the lenght. It deserves a more complete reply but I do not have the aviable time.

I inject 2mg of B12 4 to 5 times a day and my anxiety is less that the last 64 years at least. I am 68.


If you review the above which is based on the British National Formulary guidance to hemotologists. I think you will find that every other day is not necessarily enough for neurological symptoms which you describe.

Note: I have not had my hair cut for 20 years due to the pain of having it done.

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toWIZARD6787

Thank you for the info. In the US I have not found anybody who would agree to give me any more than one injection a month. So I just buy my own B12 and inject 1 ml daily. Sometimes I have injected twice a day at 2ml.

I'm glad you are getting some relief. Do You find that injecting less B12 more often is more helpful? I often wonder if I'm wasting 1ml if it's not using it all. Should i split that up into several injections or just inject 1ml twice daily making it 2ml a day? I just don't know.

You're hair must be very long. I'm sorry it is painful. Wow that must be miserable.

I just looked up a conversion chart 2 mg five times a day, That makes 10 mg. But 1ml is a thousand mgs. Are you taking enough B12? Or am I wrong here? I wonder if 10 mg is enough if it takes a thousand mg to make one ml according to what I googled.

I get confused with the ML MG stuff.

I know if you inject methylcobalamin it takes less. I think it's concentrated a little bit more. My instructions say 03 ml daily. I have no idea what that turns out to in mgs. That confuses me. Lolol

Thank you very much. And good luck. Have a nice day.

WIZARD6787 profile image
WIZARD6787 in reply toEllaNore

Rather than deal in the hypothetical I think it would be more helpful of you replied with the information from the vial you have purchased and then I can tell you what I know about that. It might also be helpful if you happened to know the amount of your monthly injection.

Also it might be helpful if you checked the instructions and verified they recommend 3 ml daily.

To start: ml is a measure of liquid volume and mg is a measure of the weight of the B12 dissolved in the liquid.

The mg is the actual amount that is injected into the body. All B12 forms are a powder and the mg is the weight of the powder dissolved in the liquid.

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toWIZARD6787

Well I just so happen to not have that information because I ordered it over a month ago and I still haven't received it yet. So I went online to Oxford bio and I downloaded an image of what I purchased. This is the first time I ever purchased it so it's all new to me. And I don't get an injection once a month I inject myself every single day and I use whatever brand I can get from Germany that's available at the time. It varies. This is really all I can give you. The information of the 03 ml was told to me verbally. When I get my vial I will have the instructions then on how much to mix saline with it and how much to inject. But right now I don't have it yet so I didn't have that information to give you. Sorry I wasn't very helpful

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toWIZARD6787

I know what MG and ML are. What I didn't know was why you were speaking about MG's when you're injecting something which is a liquid form so we all refer to it as ML. I've really never heard anybody say that they injected two to five mg 4 times a day. That's why I was asking. Also it depends on how much saline you put in your powder. I know somebody who chooses to make it less concentrated. I was told to put a 10 ml vial of saline in that 40 mg vile of methyl. I don't have that in writing quite yet because it was only told to me verbally. But when I get the instructions I'll be sure to let you know exactly what they say so we don't speak in any hypotheticals. So for it to last me 30 days or more, I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that would be injecting 0.4ml a day. As apposed to the 1ml a day I inject from an ampoule of hydroxy.

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toWIZARD6787

This is what I was referring to

Therefore, there must be 1,000 milligrams in a milliliter, making the formula for mg to ml conversion: mL = mg / 1000 .

Ghound profile image
Ghound in reply toEllaNore

So true EllaNore ! Thanks for your reply to Wizard, yes it's helping me too. Best wishes xx

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toGhound

Thank you. I was feeling pretty stupid for asking the question. If I can find a conversion for MG to ML online why isn't there one. And then there's MCG micrograms. I just never heard anybody say they injected mg's. Only ml and my B12 brain just couldn't understand that. So I asked a stupid question

Ghound profile image
Ghound in reply toEllaNore

Not stupid at all ! I sometimes think there's a conspiracy nowadays to make everything as obscure and complicated as possible !! 😕 xx

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toGhound

Thank you Ghoud!! 🤗

WIZARD6787 profile image
WIZARD6787 in reply toEllaNore

Not stupid at all! When in the throes of B12 deficiency I found the measurement units incomprehensible, Then it went to confusing, then difficult. Now I still have to be in a certain head space to do the necessary calculations now I use different concentrations of B12 other than 1mg/1ml. It would be helpful to me if all products were the same concentrations but they are not. I do the calculations and then write down the ml that I want to inject. When injecting I 'think' in ml.

I find the mcg mg and sometimes ug which is a different way to express mcg not easy to deal with. The way I handle it is to convert every thing to mg. I have banished mcg and ug. 🙂

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toWIZARD6787

Thank you wizard 6787. I'm so glad you feel that way too. It's all been confusing. In the United States we have CC's versus ML. They're the same thing and I didn't know that.

WIZARD6787 profile image
WIZARD6787 in reply toEllaNore

I am in the USA. Many here are from the UK and it does cause confusion for me. My B12 came in the multi use vials with the rubber top not ampules. I did not know they were different.

It made no sense the difficulty people were having drawing B12 into the syringe. 6 months ago it seemed there were only 1mg/1ml ampules and I was confusing people by sharing different amounts.

I figured it out when people starting sharing about 1.5mg/ml ampules.

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toWIZARD6787

Ohhhh US too! Things are so different here. I totally get the rubber capped vials. I do not have those. The UK does so much for B12d but not the US. I am still learning things. Thank goodness for the UK. Yes, there are 1.5ml ampoules too and that confused me for a second. It is a lot of liquid to inject. And mine burned. I still have it and use it when desperate but I like the 1ml ampoules. My methyl came today so I will play with that for a month and see how things go. 😊

WIZARD6787 profile image

You cannot convert mg which is a dry weight measure to ml which is a liquid measure. There is no measure of B12 powder that is in ml. It would be possible to measure the saline solution by weight but it would not have any usefulness.

That is why I express what I inject in mg which is the amount of B12 I am injecting in solution.

When you mix the 40 mg of powder from Oxford with 10 ml of saline. It will be 4 mg/ml or as printed on the bottle 2 mg/.05 ml. To inject 1 mg you would have to inject .25 ml.

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toWIZARD6787

Thanks for clarifying that It's very helpful.

WIZARD6787 profile image
WIZARD6787 in reply toEllaNore

You are welcome. I had the worry I was just adding to the confusion.

I find it helpful that when a powder is mixed to create a solution the volume of the powder is not calculated. 1 mg in 1 ml still equals 1 ml.

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply toWIZARD6787

Thanks. It is a little confusing. I know that MG is powder form and ML is liquid form but I didn't understand why there was a conversion chart saying 1000mg is 1ml. If it can't be converted. When I went to my pharmacist I had bought methyl powder from another source not the one that I shared with you and they told me to do 3 ml. But my syringes were in cc's and I didn't know how many cc's were in an ml but it turned out that one cc is 1 ml, so it's the same thing. It's been a lot for me to have to learn with this B12 brain. I was never great in math but I'm a really good graphic designer hahaha 🤣🤣

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