I finally got my blood test results back for pernicious anemia.
It looks like I don't have it, and that my problem is folate deficiency. And low reticulocyte count which would be caused by low folate I suppose.
My other results are all in range, though active B12 could maybe be higher I am thinking. Homocysteine is 9 but I heard optimal would be more around 7, which I hope would happen when I get my folate up.
My ferritin from another test is low at 43, range 10-410, which I'm working on increasing with heme iron. My D from another test is 60, range 60-180, and I've started supplementing that.
My symptoms are: not feeling well or feeling weak and lacking in energy, heart weak sometimes causing insomnia, diarrhea, get sore mouth/ulcers too easily when I bite inside of mouth by mistake, slight tingling, some hair loss. I think all these match with folate deficiency.
I'd really appreciate any comments on the results, such as values that are in range but not optimal and indicate something.
Many thanks.
Full blood count and differential:
White Blood Cell Count (WBC)
5.1 4.0-10.0 10*9/L
Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)
4.44 3.80-4.80 10*12/L
Haemoglobin (Hb)
139 120-150 g/L
Haematocrit (Hct)
0.40 0.3-0.46 L/L
Mean Cell Volume (MCV)
90 83-101 fl
Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH)
31.4 27.0-32.0 pg
Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW)
12.4 11.6-14.0 %
Platelets (Plt)
173 150-410 10*9/L
3.4 2.0-7.0 10*9/L
1.3 1.0-3.0 10*9/L
0.3 0.2-1.0 10*9/L
0.1 0.0-0.5 10*9/L
0.1 0.0-0.1 10*9/L
19.2 5.83-34.5 μmol/L
36.4 24.2-70.1 μmol/L
55.6 40.8-76.6 μmol/L
Transferrin Saturation
34.5 15-45 %
Intrinsic factor antibody
1 [1] <7 U/mL
Reticulocyte count
LOW 38 50-100 10*9/L
Liver kidney microsomal antibody Negative
Smooth muscle antibody Negative
Mitochondrial antibody Negative
Gastric parietal cell antibody Negative
Reticulin Antibodies Negative
Mitochondrial (M2) antibody Negative
Ribosomal antibody Negative
Active Vitamin B12
76 [1] > 70 pmol/L
Serum Folate
LOW 3.62 3.89-26.80 ng/ml
Methylmalonic acid (Blood):
0.12 [1] < 0.29 umol/L
9.3 4.4-13.6 μmol/L