Although I'm prescribed B12 ampoules via my gp, I can only use certain brands without agonising stinging and burning. My local pharmacy hasn't been able to source anything for over a month. It's the added sodium acrylate that I react to. Decided to order online and I thought I'd thoroughly researched the Panpharma brand before ordering but NO, it contains the dreaded stuff. Does anyone know which German sourced brands DON'T contain this? Berween the pharmacy giving me the wrong ones and my recent order, I now have about 40 vials I can't use! And can't even pass on...
Can't use Panpharma 😫: Although I'm... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Can't use Panpharma 😫

Hi myoldcat
Enlighten me as to where I need to look and what I need to look for on my phials? The insert is all in German - do you know what sodium acrylate is in German?
I use Pascoe B12 Hydroxocobalamin - no sting but Hevert B12 Hydroxocobalamin does sting for me. Do you know if Hevert has sodium acrylate and if so how do you find out?
No , there is no sodium acrylate in any B12 depot ampoules , either Panpharma or Hevert
They all contain Natrium Chloride ( Sodium Chloride in U.K.) Natrium Acetetat( Sodium Acetate in U.K. ) and Vinegar !In other words salt and vinegar, as a preservative . Also the saltiness is more akin to our blood which also contains salt , and should prevent stinging when injected .
Just ordered some Pascoe, lets hope it's non stingy for me too 🤞
Sorry , I sent my reply to Wwwdot instead of you ! No there is no Sodium Acrylate in any B12 Cynocobalamin or Hydroxocobalamin. Only salt and vinegar , ( crudely expressed ) which should not sting , as it has a similar PH to blood .
Doh, sorry it's my brain up to tricks. It's sodium acetate or triacetate that's the culprit! Natriumacetat in German. Regular glacial acetic acid seems ok...I've had Accord and now Neo-Cytamen here in the UK without the sting, but can't keep getting the wrong ones so just wondering what else might be out there. Apologies for the confusion.
hello myoldcat, recently I had the same problem when I tried Panpharma ampoules. I tried to inject and as you say the pain was excruciating, couldn't inject or use them, had to be an addative .
I have gone back to Pascoe Hydroxocobalamin (not their cyancobalamin), no nasty addatives and no pain!
Best wishes x
Oh sorry just read all the replies. You should be ok with Pascoe..
Pascoe is stronger though? 1500 rather than 1000? Might be better...💪
Yes currently only 1500ug but you can do a half dose, leave 50% in syringe after injecting and discard needle, pop on a new needle and keep clean, dark and cool til next jab - time to wait within reason ie hours not days!
I don’t find it any different to 1000ug in that the frequency between dose is not shortened - sadly I think more waste - hence my split dose suggestion.
I use Pasco and I inject every third day instead of every other day. This gives the same dose overall and saves syringes & time. Keeping a half full syringe gives the potential for contamination and is not recommended.
Hi Bellabab
Absolutely agree about potential for contamination. That’s why I said just a few hours. I know the surgery make up syringes in advanced for a few hours so it must be safe to a point. I suppose to be doubly safe to draw up two syringes with 50% in each would be an extra layer of safety.
But totally agree I would absolutely use the split dose within hours and not leave for days. Thank you for adding that important clarification.
Your surgery should not be drawing up syringes like that - its not totally safe to do it.
That’s interesting as during the pandemic all the injections were pre- drawn here. Narwhal10 what’s your take on this as Bellabab raises an important issue and I am now confused - unless good practice varies depending what’s in the syringe?
Hi dot,
I am sure that your GP Practice are fully aware of Infection Control, have a Policy, are regularly inspected and receive Reports on their standards.
I myself have split one ampules to inject s.c. One for the morning and afternoon. As explained previously, dot, Health Professionals move at a very fast pace when needed, we also know a bit of stwff. I am afraid that I cannot put an exact figure on how quickly, I can unwrap a sterile needle and attach a sterile luer lock tip syringe. Maybe 0.8 seconds of air exposure ?
Maybe Bellabab would enlighten us further on aseptic technique. However, I feel it inappropriate that we learn on Myoldcat’s post. Sorry for the hijacking, lovely.
Hi Narhwal
Thank you and apologies to Myoldcat - no hyjacking intended! Hadn’t appreciated we had digressed so much! I will release you from the hyjack!
Hello, yes its stronger but I believe it's because (I know my body is very damaged) and has adjusted to receiving this increase, so I have to keep injecting frequency.
I wish they produced eg 3000 strength then it might make a difference for me. X
Hi. I get the stinging, burning and pain but find pascoes better than other brands most of the time. Though you do get the odd stinging ampule. I find it helps to inject very very slowly.
Hello Myoldcat, I agree, the stuff can sting, I found pascoe a bit annoying,
1) it's 50% stronger and when I injected as usual into my belly fat it did nothing. I felt as if I missed by injection. so after a few injections like that I started injecting into the thigh and got
2) stings and burns and leaves a massive bruise every time.
so went back to belly fat. no stinging, no bruising but also no benefit.
Maybe I am doing it wrong? I use yellow needle for injecting, as virtually no fat on my thighs, could that account for the bruising? I am back to injecting into the thigh, I get better results and FEEL better on it, so I put up with the burning and the thighs looking perforated,
So maybe you are injecting into muscle and that's whuy it burns? Maybe it will work for you in fat? Just a thought. Wishing you well and sending a virtual hug
Thanks all. One more question...Who are you finding is your best Pascoe supplier ar the moment?
I get mine from
I do sub-cut into the sides of my tum - I cannot go into the centre of my tum around my belly button as that area is uncomfortable for me. As is injecting sc into my thighs.
Hope you manage to work things out.
Hi my old cat. I use panpharma, I've found if I inject very very slowly and lower in the deltoid muscle, I rarely get the sting. It really does sting when the needle has got any droplets on the end when injecting, if this happens I just change the needle again before injecting.