I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency at the beginning of the month and have received a prescription for loading dose (I self administered without approval or support as the first appointment was nearly 2 months away).I've since had a further blood test which revealed no anaemia or macrocytic anaemia but I don't think they tested my IF for evidence of pernicious anaemia.
I have the following blood results in my patient record via the nhs app and wondered if 1. This could be a new name for it or if not, what an earth I was rested for and what it means.
I've used your support and advice from previous posts to get me to the point of feeling confident to request a gp follow up (this is happening today) but I would really like to be as prepared as possible as they have been very unsupportive and quite difficult since my diagnosis and subsequent fight for the correct treatment (every other day injections with neuropathy symptoms).
I appreciate any and all advice.