I just got my labs back and need advice on how to proceed:
Serum Folate - October - 10.8 ug/l December - 2.6 ug/l!! (3.90-20.00ug/l)
Serum B12 -- October 437 ng/L December - 724 ng/L (197.00 - 771.00ng/L)
So according to my labs my B12 has increased (I am supplementing with sublingual spray) but my folate has gone down to the point where I am now deficient (no supplementation for this).
To add to this I have Hashimotos Disease and am currently on T4 only medication.
Given that I have Hashis and vitiligo I'm pretty sure I have either pernicious anaemia or coeliac disease (or both) since they tend to co exist, although my B12 levels don't immediately suggest this. I've had symptoms over the past few months of my feet and hands going numb, breathlessness, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, confusion, fatigue etc.
I have a GP appointment tomorrow and I'm going to argue my case and ask that they test for anti bodies for coeliac and pernicious anaemia but am expecting to be met with resistance.
Should I keep supplementing with B12 only or given my obvious folate deficiency should I start supplementing that also ?
Also any advice please about convincing my GP to test for the antibodies ?