I accept that a test had been done measuring the amount of Hydroxocobalamin and Cynocabalamin that can be measured in the urine at different times after the injection and that the numbers are likely repeatable.
I do not know if any testing was done on a subject that was B12 deficient. I find it unlikely.
I also expect that the urine test was measuring total cobalamin without regards to what form it was.
I am confident that what is known to happen when any form of cobalamin is injected with regards to the 25 processes that my body utilizes cobalamin for is not at this time understood although there is much information.
I do not find that treatment of 1mg hydroxocobalamin EOD adequate to treat my body based on the fact that my body responds favorably to more frequent injections and a higher dose than 1 mg every 48 hours. (There is no blood test that can indicate the efficacy of any amount or form of cobalamin which is all that matters to me.)
So my body did not get the memo that it is supposed to pee out any more than 1 mg EOD.