Hello everyone, I hope to find a little clarity. I'm afraid this is a long post. I'm so sorry. And with my brain these days, I will try to make things clear and not jump around. But a lot has happened this month and I am just very confused and upset. Even a bit depressed and feel hopeless. I don't even really know where to begin. Except to say that several doctors have denied my positive IFAB test over the past month and said that they think it is a false positive due to having started my loading doses. I only had three injections at the time of my test. They want me to go without B12 for several weeks to take another one. I can't do that. I'm afraid of reverting. I live alone and have old pets to care for.
I will post all my current test results and a few past to show a pattern. I don't have any past B12 tests as no one thought of doing them in 38 years. I was diagnosed May of 2022 with B12D. So tests before that are preB12 diagnosis.
As of now, I have been to 4 hematologists in 6 months. 3 in the past month. The last two have stated that I am storing too much B12 and that my system is backed up with it. They ordered tests to see if I had an accumulation of B12 and all tests came back negative for any excess B12 in my system, except for my B12 levels. Of course they are >2000. But, several of the docs that I saw this week have mentioned my levels, and said that I have too much B12.
When they say that to me, I instantly know, they do not know what they are talking about and everything they say after that, I just don't trust. One even said I don't need daily injections! These are hematologists! They claim to know about PA. Which brings me to the other thing they said. 2 hematologists and 2 doctors said I do NOT have PA. Today again, one said none of my tests lead them to think I have PA. They say I have B12D but not PA. Yet I had a positive IFAB test (see image below), and I feel my blood tests show enlarged RBC's. (See Images Below) Please note the MCV, MPV, and Monos Absolute numbers, they represent low RBC count and enlarged RBC's. Low MPV shows a bone marrow issue, where your platelets are smaller than normal leading to aplastic anemia. The doctors are ignoring these results. But when you look at everything as a whole, it says PA to me. But I did have breast cancer at this time too and was getting radiation. and they ignored the results too. No one has ever mentioned them to me. I found them myself and when I ask about them, I get brushed off like yesterday and today. That isn't that bad they say.
When I left the hematologists office yesterday, I lost my balance getting off the table and fell into the wall and she tried to catch me. I straightened up and said, something is very wrong with me, I don't care what you say, and I walked out. Hobbled out LOL, I must have looked like a maniac. I was so upset.
I guess my question is, Do I have PA or not? And what is the difference of B12d and PA except for severity of symptoms? What is leading them to believe I don't have PA?
Needless to say, they have sent me into a very distressed mood. They have me questioning myself and I feel like I am back to the, it's all in your head, gaslighting. I thought someone had finally found the answers and B12 has helped me 75% but there are still things wrong with me. LIke my left foot is always very swollen and painful up my left leg. That is what led my doctor to run my initial B12 test. But, the hematologist yesterday said it could be a blood clot, and now I am going down a whole new rabbit hole, to a vascular doctor, as they think the blood flow and oxygen aren't getting to my foot due to my heart???! More confusion. I said to this doctor, B12D and PA cause less oxygen in the blood, do to enlarged RBC's and fewer RBC's, causing less oxygen since RBC carry oxygen to everything. That is when I showed her my MCV, MPV results. I even told her that my legs feel very weak when I lean forward or bend to pick something up or climbs stairs. And my calves are painful to touch, especially when I cross one over the other. That is when she said, I have to be honest, I don't think you have PA.
My heart does flutter and sometimes makes me feel like I have to cough. But PA does that too. doesn't it?
Anyway, I am confused, so if anyone can make heads or tales out of my results I would be so very grateful. If you all tell me I don't have PA, I will believe you. But I still have B12d and that causes the same symptoms, right? So how does one know the difference? Severity? Length of time?
As I was writing this, my SIBO test just came back as negative. I guess I should be happy. So I have no idea why my abdomen hurts so bad when I bend. Except adhesions from 4 surgeries? Also making it painful to swing my legs forward to walk. 😔But I guess not everything is PA related. I did have a doberman rip my abdomen open so that could be the issue there. It's just all so overwhelming and confusing. Or maybe I have Subacute combined degeneration. No one will even entertain that possibility.
I just can't take this rollercoaster anymore. I've been on one since I was 23. I'm now 60 and still don't have answers.
These results are from an endoscopy last month. My other results I will post in a reply. I can't thank you all enough for all you have done for me over the past 6 months. 🦋💙🦋 I hope I made sense.
A. Duodenum, biopsy:
- No significant pathologic change.
B. Stomach, body & antrum, biopsy:
- Fragments of gastric antral and oxyntic mucosa with mild chemical
gastritis/reactive gastropathy.
- H. pylori micro-organisms are not identified.
C. Hiatal hernia, biopsy:
- Fragment of squamous mucosa with no significant pathologic change.