According to one of the labs who do one of the tests for B12 deficiency privately - there is absolutely no difference between PA and B12 deficiency apart from the fact that in someone who lacks IF the symptoms 'may' present more quickly.
I have this info in a private email.
One is not more important than the other.
One is not more serious than the other.
One does not cause more injury than the other.
B12 deficient patients who have not attained a diagnosis of PA are no less seriously ill than those who have attained that diagnosis.
And I am also leaving out the equation here that:
a) most people don't even know what constitutes a diagnosis of PA anymore
b) most people don't realise the tests for antibodies are actually dangerous in that they don't allow patients to receive that diagnosis
c) most people don't realise that the IF test will have thrown up a false positive if they had a b12 injection within a fortnight of being tested ie a lot of people are walking around thinking they have PA when they actually don't.
It is the B12 deficiency which causes the damage. The autoimmune causation MAY cause other damage, but with regard to this illness it has always been the lack of b12 which leads to death.
It is not put right simply by putting blood levels back into the normal range.
I think it is about time that B12 patients stopped being treated like the poor relations in this situation.