I have thought for the last 10 years I had PA ( B12 score was 68) but now I am not sure as I have just been diagnosed with UC ( Ulcerative colitis). I had the endoscopy & colonoscopy via my works insurance as my Dr wouldn't refer me. Apparently the specialist tested me for IF but I cant seem to get hold of a copy of the blood tests ( I have asked). Could I have both PA & UC?
PA & UC ? : I have thought for the last... - Pernicious Anaemi...
PA & UC ?

No reason why not.
Yes possible you have. If your b12 was that low 10 yesrs ago.
You'd think with colitis
B12 deficiency woukd come after .
I know it's a rsk factor but I know of two people one with crohns snd one with ulcerative colitis . Both have good b12 leves!!
Chase those blood results
I am starting to think I had Crohns or Colitis back then too but no one looked at my other symptoms ( dodgy tummy, teeth issues, aching joints, ). The B12 injections fixed my biggest issues which I had also been suffering with for a lot of years, which was the ulcers in my mouth and the tiredness. I will push to get my IF results as I guess that will give me a better idea.
My friends daughter was diagnosed with UC some years ago. Last year her b12 levels were found to be a little low, after a course of injections she was told she didn’t need any more. Her levels weren’t really low like yours were but obviously her condition means that she doesn’t absorb enough so hopefully they’ll keep an eye on her. It seems likely that you have both conditions.
I too had UC / Chrons disease I now have an ileostomy your B12 will be low because you have trouble absorbing from your inflamed bowel. Nearly everyone I have met in hospital.or my iA group have to take B12 due to the bowel do either being missing or not working properly. Good luck
I used to get injections 12 weekly 30 years ago but now I am getting injections 4 weekly. The reason for this is that I have had 15 operations on my bowel since I first had an ileostomy. The bowel I have left is unable to absorb any B12 from my diet. The medication they have now a days is much better than the medication that I received 50 years ago when I was first diagnosed. Good lick with your treatment. My whole family have bowel problems. Would love to know why some people get this problem. One thing that seems to help nearly all of us is to follow a dairy / lactose free diet and a gluten free diet