Hoping to shed some light on this .. I’ve had PA for 4 years .. well that’s when I was diagnosed I have some atrophic gastritis and intestinal meta plasma chronic gastritis and foveolar hyperplasia .. I’ve been tested for h pylori twice and both negative but a recent biopsy from endoscopy has come back positive which the dr has said is unusual.. I’m not sure if it’s been missed previously or this is a false positive or I’ve picked it up in the last year since last test but I’m confused.. is it a case that we can get it anytime and regularly? The dr seems somewhat confused so I’m having a breath test .. could it have been missed last two times ?
H pylori: Hoping to shed some light on... - Pernicious Anaemi...
H pylori

I'd be surprised if the missed H. pylori in two tests. However, the biopsy is likely to be correct. So I'd say that you have been infected since the last test.
Thanks f birder.. do you know if there are different degrees of h pylori? Dr seems to think there are but I don’t understand how that could be .. surely you have it or don’t. ?
I wash diagnosed over a week ago with H pylori never heard of it before. I have been so ill with my gut swelling and bloated all the time. I have been anemic for years and low vitamin b12 for as long as I can remember. I have nearly finished my antibiotics so will be interesting to see how my gut heals and if vitamin b12 works from diet? Think I dreaming on that one. Good luck to you
Thank you and to you too ! Have you been tested for pernicious anemia? If not you should be as b12 from food will not give you the b12 you need and Hpylori is linked to or causes gastritis which causes PA.. so I would ask for a test
Thank you, I haven't been tested as such? But the doctor treats so b12 with injections every 12 weeks, which is not enough. So I self inject twice a week and have just started to feel human again. Then this h pylori started 🙄 and I did SI last week whilst on triple therapy and it made me so ill full of anxiety.
Hello Lifegems I personally think that your H Pylori was missed twice. I first was tested by the NHS in Nov 2018 (stool test) result was negative. Then I had a private endoscopy in Jun 2019, CLO test was positive but biopsy was negative (gastro said CLO test to be a false positive). Then in Sep 2019 had a private advance gut health test and H Pylori was positive. I had been very ill during all this time and I do believe I had the bacteria since the beginning, possibly since childhood, as they seem to think that infection usually happens during childhood and my brother has also had it. This experience has taught me that for functional GI issues is best to get help from functional medicine practitioners and avoid gastros and their one solution for everything, PPIs. I hope you will recover soon.
Thank you Sheira I too got a negative from a stool test then a negative from biopsy then positive from a biopsy a year later then a negative from the breath test my surgeon then wanted . My husband was also tested and he was negative too .. I’m so confused I don’t know whether to just ask for the antibiotics and get it over and done with but I hate the idea of antibiotics for 3 weeks ! What did you do if you believed it to be positive? Did you go for antibiotics?
Difficult decision, which I am facing myself too. Basically in May last year I became very very unwell. We were in lockdown and got no help from the NHS so looked for a functional medicine practitioner and a nutritionist, which they have slowly brought me back to life. Finally I got an endo from the NHS a few weeks ago, which confirmed what I already knew, H Pylori, and got antibiotics for 4 weeks! together with PPIs. Based on the great progress I have made (I am feeling better and better by the day) and all the research I have done, I have decided to put this medication in a cupboard and continue to support my digestive system and my microbiome together with taking my herbal antibacterials. I am convinced this way I will gradually be able to destroy my enemy without destroying all the good work I have done on my digestive system. If this fails I will have to get the big guns out, the antibiotics, but hopefully not. I found very useful the “ultimate gut health test” from Healthpath healthpath.com/products/tests/ which showed me all that was happening in my gut
So sorry to hear of your struggle ! Sounds a nightmare.. thanks for the link I shall check that out. What did you do de diet ? I’m trying to find a way that feels healthy and right for me. Keto just feels wrong because I don’t like eating so much meat ! X
You need a diverse microbiome for health and one of the ways to achieve this is having a diverse diet. But of course it's important to keep an eye on intolerances. I try to eat organic as much as possible. I haven't been able to eat wheat products, dairy, fruits or anything with sugar for a loooong time. Usually the foods causing the most symptoms are pulses, dairy, garlic, onion and all gluten-containing grains. You are right in looking for a way of eating that's right for you because there is not one diet for all. I am not a professional but seems to me we wouldn't have catched H Pylori is we had a healthy/balanced gut therefore eradicating HP is not the only job here. Healthpath runs bimonthly webinars on gut health. They are really interesting, informative and helpful. Just contact them to register and they will include you on their invitation list
Thanks Sheira, I have registered with them. They seem quiet expensive but it might be worth it if I can sort my pain. I tend to agree with you re the antibiotics.. I really do not want to take them if I can avoid. There’s a really good book called “cured” if you get chance to read it and also “clever guts diet” Good look with your efforts ! X
Yes health is expensive. Since last May I have already spent close to 5K in private tests, doctors and supplements. On top of that my business reduced to less than half as it was very difficult to work. Could explain what I have learned in more depth but I don't think there is a way to talk through this platform, is it? Thanks for your books recommendations, I have not heard of these will take a look!
One more thing... important to consider your adrenals youtube.com/watch?v=Pkoai6H... Being most of the time on fight or flight mode will harm your digestive system. Stress and anxiety are terrible for your overall health.