I had some vitamins and minerals tested, and my active b12 came back as 46.6 pmol/l with range of 37.5 to 188. I can't find much info on the active b12 test. Or what optimal should be, only the total b12 test. My folate is also low at 7.59 nmol. I've had two years of increasing neurological symptoms, diagnosed as dystonia. I have tremors, pins and needles, weakness, I have also had terrible stomach issues, I struggle to eat, if I eat more than tiny portions of easy to digest food, I am in so much pain in my upper abdomen. I bought a vitamin b spray to supplement because I cannot digest any vitamin pills. Its the betteryou spray, I use the vitamin d one and it's increased by vit d levels to almost optimal after being deficient.
Does any one know if this will be sufficient? And what the optimal range for active b12 is? Or if this sounds like pernicious anemia.