I have hot painful feet .Hot. Scarlet soles to my feet mainly at night..Ankles and feet very painful when walking.Hands also have hot palms.I don’t doubt this is a symptom of PAS but wondered if anyone has this and found a remedy.Should I increase B12.? I have injections 6wkly via NHS and SI in between. Thank you for reading this.
Hot feet: I have hot painful feet .Hot... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Hot feet

Only thing I found that helps is freeze pain relief gell. It doesn't take it away completely but helps.
I have the same symptoms and I don’t think I have PAS, well, my doctors don’t think I have it based on my blood tests results and other symptoms, but I’m interested to know if burning sensation, mainly in hands, arms and feet are common in PAS.
They say I have peripheral neuropathy related to fibromyalgia.

Hi,I don’t have fibromyalgia as far as I know.Perhaps others can help.
Thank you!
May I ask how old are you?

Well my B12d journey started with burning sensation in my left arm, should blades and legs. My B12 then was 206 and I was put on 10 jabs immediately by my family physician. The symptom went away in around 2-3 weeks post jabs. BTW, I am from India.
How long have you experienced the symptoms before being treated with B12. I have neurological symptoms because of b12d and they do not go away.
Check your salt intake. I get it when I’ve had too much salt.
Does your burning sensation precede or follow your injection?

I have the same problem and sleep with the covers off my feet summer and winter and I've had P.A. for 47 years
I had this, which then proceeded into tingling hands and feet after a few months.
I usually post a link to a review paper about burning feet. It does a reasonable job of covering the likely issues.
Thank you for the link. I would add one more factor that the authors haven't mentioned, hormonal imbalances, particularly oestrogen. I used to have freezing feet until perimenopause hit, when my oestrogen levels fluctuated madly, and my feet started having this burning sensation. Now, after menopause, the burning is also affecting arms and hands. I think that maybe fluctuating and decreasing levels of oestrogen and probably testosterone as well may influence other aspects of the metabolism of vitamins (particularly B group) and other hormones (thyroid, adrenals). Just a theory!
Thank you helvella.I have read the article and found it useful and very interesting.Given the opportunity will recommend it to my G. P.
The soles of my feet are fine until I go to bed and then they are irritatingly burning/hot. My feet stick out of the duvet all year round.
During the recent heatwave my feet felt unbearable so I shuffled down the bed and put them on the cool metal bedstead which provided some relief.
I have also burning feet sensation and constant fatigue problem through out the day which increases while walking.
Was diagnosed as B12 and Vit D deficient.
After taking these vitamins, problem solved to some extent but it remains persists.
My electrolyte profile is normal
I dont suffer from PA.
I have other symptom like burning eye which is resolved after taking B12 injections.
My feet felt on fire most evenings and hands joined in as well with tingling and shooting pains. This started about 18 months after being diagnosed with B12 deficiency and so I asked about additional injections as a trial of that seemed to work very well. They asked for a comment by a haematologist (don't ask me why but they did) and he wanted me to stop all B12 injections for 6 months to see what my levels were without injection (my answer to that is not fit for public display). The neurologist they wrote to still hasn't replied and that was 2 years ago.
I found putting my feet in a bowl of hot water was both a relief and a temporary cure allowing me to get to sleep. I experimented with Ibuprofen Gel, which didn't work, Aloevera Gel which was a complete waste of several quid and finally Voltarol which does work. Eventually though the problem came back but a B12 injection worked fine, for about 2 weeks, just enough at that time for a holiday in Canada without having to explain injection materials to the customs officers. Travelling back with burning, twitching feet and hands on an overnight flight was not pleasant.
The problem eventually happened sooner and sooner. The surgery were not prepared to help so I get the supplies from Germany and Self Injected as and when I needed. They had taught me how to do that right at the very beginning of the top up doses. I now find it is about 7 or 8 days between injections, with the occasional additional one after 2 days. That generally keeps me free of the worst of the problem, tiny tingles and the like get ignored or popped into a bowl of hot water or a soak in the tub.
Since all of this began they found from the annual blood sample last November my blood sugar was 5.5 whatevers over something which they reckoned made me diabetic (type 2) so a very detailed set of examinations took place, including by the Podiatrist who checked for and found I had no sensation of touch in my feet - I had been telling them this for a couple of years which they ignored. So I am diagnosed as having peripheral neuropathy - at last. (It does mean I get my toenails trimmed every three months so can't be bad.) I lost 2 stone and now my blood sugar was 4.3 things per whatsit, which as far as I can find out is not diabetic, but I am not arguing as the toenail trimming is too useful.
The bowl of hot water treatment feels quite luxurious and I found to be very therapeutic even if it doesn't stop the sensation.

Thank you kcbrecks,What a journey you had.SI seems to be the way.
Thank you for your reply.Glad B12 injections relieved it but how can you say you don’t have PA. when you were B12 deficient ?
I don't think I said anything about Pernicious Anemia Mrsannabbott, I said I was diagnosed as having a B12 deficiency, which covers many things. I may well have PA but as far as I am aware they have not done that test, which as we know is only 50% accurate anyway. I had been taking Proton Pump Inhibitors, in high doses for several years before having a full Nissen fundoplication which tied off the Parietal Cells in the stomach which produce Intrinsic Factor so B12 absorption is not possible - so I believe. The operation was done 5 years before the symptoms and blood test indicated a B12 deficiency which fits the right timescale.
B12 injections stopped the symptoms and the level was too low so it was a case of if it look like a dog then it must be a dog.
I would advise you to get checked out for Peripheral Arterial Disease. What I took for Anaemia for a few months turned out to be PAD. My symptoms are red hot/freezing cold feet. Worse when lying down. When I walk my ankle is so painful I have to stop every five minutes or so. I was told this is to allow the blood flow into the ankle. I don't wish to frighten you but if it is that you could suffer a stroke so better to get it checked out than to leave it as your problem seems similar. I'm waiting for an MRI scan in September to see what can be done.
Thank you Woolyhead.I will certainly mention it to my G.P.when I next see him..All the very best to you.I hope the MRI scan brings better news for you.
In addition to my last post my feet are also scarlet on the soles and toes.