Has anyone had this problem. I have this strange feeling on the soles of my feet as though they are covered in duck tape. No pain. It started before I was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia, which was September 2020, so now on 3 monthly B12 injections. My feet are soft however just this strange feeling.
Soles of feet feel tight!: Has anyone... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Soles of feet feel tight!

Yes I've had similar. I describe it as foam stick to my feet so I'm not quite in contact with my soles. Its largely gonrvaway now . Not painful but can confuse movement .
Hopefully this will go for you tok when thises nerves wake up.
My feet feel as though I’m wearing shoes that are about one size too small . They also feel as though they are on fire. ( not to the touch — they are normal temperature) I think that’s permanent after 5 years of weekly self-injections .
I have the same sensation but in my arms and legs as well as my hands and feet. I have very little pain but have semi-numbness and a feeling as though my arms and legs are swollen, even though they are not.
It can be mentally taxing at times. My PA was discovered after a year + of neuropathy which progressed up to my waist before I sought medical attention (not to bright of me , especially for a 32 year retired paramedic). Multiple blood tests later PA was discovered. By then my MRI revealed subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord in my cervical spine. Macrocytic anemia gone and b12 normal to high after regular injections began but neuropathy is probably permanent. Sorry about rambling on so.