I have b12 deficiency diagnosed three years ago and received six injections every three days then an injection every twelve weeks which is standard GP practice. I have been told on here as have many people that with neurological symptoms, the injections should be every eight weeks based on advice from the British Neurological Society.
However, I keep reading of people, including administrators self injecting - daily and, in some cases, more than once daily!
Is the advice about eight week injections simply a statement as the best one can get from an NHS GP and that, really, one needs much more frequent injections which the NHS will not sanction?
My present twelve week sequence ends on the eighteenth of April - I had five days of symptoms two days after the injection and now - nine weeks after the injection, I am having further multiple symptoms.Originally, I had multiple symptoms which more or less ceased once the injections began. My signature symptom which has persisted is a form of absence seizure which comes without warning and lasts for about ten seconds during which I have tinnitus- sounds like an old valve radio caught between stations - and ends in a euphoric dream like feeling followed by mental confusion which lasts for about twenty seconds. I am a bit unsteady afterwards for a while.
This signature symptom has reduced dramatically and I now only really have the absences seizure which lasts about five seconds.
I am making the assumption that my condition is improving (wishful thinking?). I tend to get one day when I have about five events and then the number diminished over five/six days.
I have given up asking my doctor for help and the nurses who provide the injections simply look at me as if I am make no up my symptoms.
Any views?