When diagnosed nearly two years ago with b12 deficiency, I had multiple symptoms which I have posted previously. I was (am) a vegetarian verging on vegan and my doctor had put me on a six month recurring prescription for omaprezole - he never discussed my diet with me and I think it should be blatantly obvious from a medical point of view not to give a ppi drug to someone whose diet excludes meat. But that’s another story!
I have been left with one recurring symptom which from the excellent support by the sites adminstrators I have been told is usual.
My recurring symptom was for a state of semi consciousness to occur then a sense of pins and needles and the sound of an old radio caught between stations - a form of tinnitus I have been told. Coincidentally, the three doctors that I have reported this too all state that it is not a symptom of b12 deficiency even though states that it is on the nhs site.
This symptom lasted for not much more than ten seconds and ended with a sense of euphoria and a feeling of having woken from a dream. My body was in a mild state of shock after and my fluency would be slightly affected.
I assume my condition is improving because I only get the opening stages of these symptoms - I rarely get the tinnitus and the symptoms last only about five seconds.
I receive injections every twelve weeks and dose daily with 1000 ug b12 which are cyan..... etc (too long to spell), 400ug folate and an iron tablet daily. I use an oral spray daily as well.
I tend to be fine fore four to five weeks after the injection then a get a week of the above improved symptoms then I am okay more or less until my next injection- this week I have had several short incidents per day but overnight I had about five occurrences.
There is no point speaking to my doctor! You would think that if a patient told him the full symptoms above and he did not think they were b12 related he would at least accept that the cause of the symptoms should be investigated and send me for a neurological appointment- he hasn’t!
Am I getting better? Has anyone had a similar symptom. I don’t recognise the vast majority of symptoms discussed on this site and most posts don’t recognise my recurring symptom which is probably why the doctor rejects it as a symptom as well.
I used to feel desperate but I don’t anymore. Before treatment I felt that I was developing dementia but my memory is virtually back to normal and, apart from when the symptoms occur, I have recovered my ability to articulate clearly as my aphasia and grammatical sequencing has improved so much.
And I am most grateful to the community for all your help especially the administrators all of whom appear to be so much more in need than certainly myself.
May your particular God bless you and have a good Christmas and, hopefully an improved healthy and very happy new year.