I am a vegetarian verging on vegan and was put on omaprezole by my various doctors to counter acid reflux. I had a 10 mg tablet every day for quite a few years at least six years without a break and, previously, after a break of several years for around three years.
I had found for several years that I was becoming inarticulate and having severe memory problems as well as bouts of extreme fatigue. Then, out of the blue, I started to get blurred vision and what I call for want of a better name absence seizures during which I would get tinnitus - it was like a bad radio signal on an old valve radio - this would end in a sense of euphoria coupled with auditory hallucinations- a dream like sequence which seemed to make sense whilst in it made no sense afterwards - as with certain types of dream seem real while one is them but make no sense afterwards.
These events would last no more than 10 seconds.
I was diagnosed with very low b12 - my nurse gasped at how low it was but I do not know the figure!
I have been having injections for nearly three years now and, as reported so often on here, most of my symptoms disappeared immediately but the signature symptom - absence seizure, tinnitus, auditory hallucinations continued.
I would have no symptoms for about 6/7 weeks them they would recur and last for about 5 day’s then cease until the next injection. The fist day I would get around 5/6 events lasting about 10 seconds then they would reduce in frequency over 5 day’s.
This continued until around 9 months ago when the tinnitus and auditory hallucinations ceased and only the absence seizures occurred. In the last six months the frequency has changed. After the last two 12 weekly injections I have had the absence seizures occur soon after the injection lasting up to five days then they cease then recur 7/8 weeks later again for up to five days.
I’ve stopped telling the doctor and the practice nurse about them - my doctor has stated that my symptoms are categorically not symptoms that he recognises but takes no action - the nurses tell me that they inject lots of people with b12 and that I am the only one who has my symptoms.
My nurses have totally refused to increase my injection regime.
I think that the underlying problem is that both my doctor and the practice nurses think that b12 deficiency and PA are one and the same thing which is u true from what I have read.
PA appears to be caused by the inability to absorb b12 and, in some case b9 whereas my deficiency was caused by a lack of b12 in my diet combined with taking omaprezole- a drug which, in my opinion, should never be given to a vegetarian/vegan! I think such a prescription is verging on medical negligence.
I think I am getting better given that my symptoms have improved - although this might be akin to a fool’s summer when sunshine occurs between rain storms.
I understand the symptoms returning after 6/7 weeks when my injection has possibly worn off but I do not understand why The symptoms then stop until my next injection - one would expect them to continue!
I also do not understand why, after the last two injections, that the symptoms have occurred so soon after the injections