Hi All
I was diagnosed as b12 deficient around two years ago. Before the injections I had multiple symptoms but soon they, more or less, came down to one recurring symptom - I tend to lose a degree of consciousness best described as a movie scene where the dialogue continues but at a distance whilst the narrators sub- conscious narrates over the dialogue. I then have what I am told on this forum is tinnitus (static noise which sounds like garbled words at times). This lasts for around 15 seconds then I recover full consciousness but my body is in a state of mild shock - I feel a little unsteady on my feet; my memory and speech are affected mildly.
I am on 12 weekly injections (I know they should be 8 weeks for neurological symptoms but my doctor refuses to accept that I have neurological symptoms). I take a 1000ml b12 tablet daily and use a spray plus a 400ml folate tablet and an iron tablet.
My symptoms have improved - I tend to start the process of losing peripheral consciousness but it stops before the tinnitus occurs and I recover in about 8/10 seconds but my body still feels in shock and my thinking is a little foggy and my speech is a little clumsy.
I have to say that I am much better than I was when first diagnosed and feel really humbled by the very real long term suffering of members blogs on the site. However, it would be helpful if anyone has any views on whether I am genuinely getting better or whether I am deluding myself.