This might not be able to be answered yet but I had my 6 b12 loading doses early Feb. Blood test a couple of weeks later it was around 1100 (140-724)
Hadn't noticed a difference was still feeling crap so at this point was started on 25mcg levo with TSH 4.7 (0.27-4.2) t4 and t3 low in range. I felt better after about two weeks on it, lasted about a week then felt crap again the rest of the time.
Had a blood test just past the 10 week point of my last injection and 7 weeks after starting Levo.
B12: 399,
tsh: 6.53 t4 and t3 low in range.
Same ranges. At this point levo increased to 50mcg. Felt no change until the day after b12 injection 8 days later.
I know it can take a few days to notice a thyroxine increase so was it just coincidence that it was the day after b12 injection or could it be b12 that's made the difference this time? I honestly felt no change after the first 6. I wouldn't have even known I'd had them if I didn't have sore arm.
I was started on b12 when it was 238 so it wasn't massively low in the first place.
So for it to be 399 10 weeks after 6 injections is that low enough to cause symptoms again?
And if after 6 injections it went up to 1100 and dropped to 399 after 10 weeks, will it fall quicker now I'm on 1 every 12 weeks?
I think I'm probably being impatient already considering self medicating b12 and possibly levo eventually. I just want to feel well again