i felt a change in myself in December & I was feeling really low, sleeping for 15 hours a day almost every day and still feeling totally exhausted afterword's. i had been unwell over Christmas so put it down to that. however i carried on feeling this way up until Feb with my symptoms getting worse i couldn't concentrate on anything i felt as though i was in a daydream all the time and couldn't shake myself out of it. the only way i can describe my sight was like when you look at a light for too long and see blotches everywhere only this was all day everyday.
I couldn't focus on anything. id then get really angry or really emotional for no reason all the time. i decided enough was enough and called my GP for an appointment. it was mid march before i got to see someone!! by this point i had no energy to do anything and was completely miserable. i explained my symptoms to the doctor half expecting him to tell me it was all in my head and i was just being lazy (as everyone else had suggested!! even more frustrating!) he tested me for diabetes etc.
when my blood results came back i was told i was B12 deficient i cant remember exactly what my levels were i do remember him saying it was below 100 though.
I was given 6 starter injections over a period of two weeks then moving on to one every 3 months. after my third jag i felt a difference i had more energy i just felt a lot better. however its been 8 weeks since my last injection and im not due my next for another 4 weeks & id say over the last 3 weeks I've felt myself decline again. the brain fog is back worse than ever and im sleeping a lot more, i feel like i have no energy to get through the day. i decided to call my GP practice and ask is this normal.... i got to speak to a nurse who basically said its just what i have to get used to now i'll never feel totally energetic. i never expected to be bouncing around full of energy but i did hope that i could make it through a day without wanting to cry with exhaustion. her advice was exercise more. im completely at a loss i feel so down im 23 years old and spend my weekend avoiding plans with my friends so i can sleep the whole time what a life eh?
its been reassuring to see im not the only one feeling this way though. i found it interesting that some of you get your injections a lot closer together. i did ask the nurse this and was told there would be no point having my injection sooner as i would feel no difference. did anyone go from having injections 3 months apart to 2 or 1 and feel a change?
i also looked at B12 tablets from Holland and Barrett has anyone tried them? i feel like i have no other help so may as well give them a go.....