my daughter had bloods and stools results back - Folate 1.1, B12 101 & Faecal Calprotectin 107..... passing big blood clots - Awaiting colonoscopy. Is this PA?
Hello: my daughter had bloods and... - Pernicious Anaemi...

Both the folate and B12 results look very low - can't comment on the faecal calprotectin - but difficult to tell without reference ranges.
Does look as if there is probably both folate and B12 deficiency
PA is an absorption problem that causes B12 deficiency and can cause problems absorbing other vitamins and minerals but getting a diagnosis of PA means looking for anti-bodies related to it so impossible to tell.
What needs treatment would be the vitamin deficiencies regardless of the cause.

Hi Murphy71. Hello and welcome. I see that you're new to the forum so I'm going to post some links that will give you more information about B12 deficency (which can have causes other then PA) and pernicious anaemia.
GP's are notoriously I'll-informed about B12 deficency and PA so the best way to deal with that is to become your own expert - sometimes that's the only way of helping GP's to help you - and of getting appropriate and timely treatment 😄.
As Gambit62 says, your daughter's B12 level looks very you know what the reference range is?
Incidentally, GP's often say that test results are normal, when they're not. If you ask for copies of all blood results (you are entitled to these) and post them in the forum, folks can help with interpretation.
Anyway...once you've read the information it's likely that you may have more questions so post again and we'll do our best to help you.
And if you have trouble getting treatment from her GP (i.e. some GP's have the mistaken belief that babies and children can't have B12 deficiency or PA - they can and do) we can offer advice and support with that.
Good luck to,you both 😄
Here's the links:
b12researchgroup.wordpress.... (Serious Caution Note about the use of Oral and Sublingual B12 Supplements) (BNF B12 Deficiency: Hydroxocobalamin Treatment Regimes)
pernicious-anaemia-society.... (PAS Symptom Checklist) (BSH B12 Deficiency / PA Diagnostic Flowchart) (British Society Haematology (BSH) Guidelines: Treatment of B12 Deficiency and Folate Disorders) (UKNEQAS B12 Treatment Alert, Neurological Symptoms and Risk of Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Spinal Cord) (Problems with Serum B12 Test) (Testing B12 During Treatment) (Misconceptions About B12 Deficiency – Good to Know Before Seeing GP) (B12 Treatment Safety / Long Term Treatment for neurological symptoms) (B12 Deficiency: Neurological Symptoms Can Present Even When B12 is ‘In-Range’ and Without Macrocytosis (large red blood cells) or confirmed PA Diagnosis) (Methylmalonic Acid – MMA) (B12 Deficiency and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms) (No Superior Forms of Cobalamin)
P.s. I have one more link about B12 deficency in children but if I do an IT dodge away the page to get it, I'll lose this reply 😖. Will add in a separate reply following this one.
Thanks so much for your response. I din't have the range but doctor did say levels very low on the b12 and folate and very high on the calprotectin result (which means she probably has a inflammatory bowel disease) awaiting appointment. We will ask fir a printout of results at next dictor visit. Thanks so much for all the links... i really appreciate it. Xx

Here's the extra link: B12 deficency in children... (B12 Deficiency in Children)