Hello, I would really appreciate some help understanding my blood results. Bit of history, I have always had low ferritin since I was a teen (now age 35), my doctor when I was 16 had me on iron supplements which I stopped taking due to them messing my stomach up. Around the same time I was told I had chronic fatigue syndrome, and was very ill for a year or so. In my twenties things went up and down health wise, always having stomach and energy problems. A few years ago I started getting neurological problems, mostly chronic dizziness, headaches, pins and needles, tinnitus, anxiety and depression, insomnia, numbness and weakness. I had my b12 levels tested and they were I think around 160, which was in normal range (range began at 150 I think) but my doc at the time decided I should try injections. Seems like she didn't really understand how it works though as she just gave me one and says if I didn't improve then my symptoms weren't due to b12. They didn't improve and have generally got worse over the last few years. I started passing out as well recently so went back to the GP and asked to have copies of my last bloods, which she had told me were normal and that i was "fine". My ferritin was 14 and b12 199. Within range but still low, so i thought I should probably supplement, but I am confused as to what I should take as I also had a full iron profile done recently and although my ferritin was again at 14 my serum iron was quite high and so was transferrin saturation which I've read indicates iron overload. I was fasting for 12hours before the blood test and had been off any supplements for a few weeks. I know that there are connections between iron and b12 and folate but I can't really get my head around it so not sure what I should be taking or how much. Is there any reason anyone knows that would give low ferritin and high iron? Can low b12 levels affect ferritin or are the two completely separate? I don't want to take loads of iron if it's going to do harm. All the results on my complete blood count were within range too, so does that mean the low b12 and ferritin aren't effecting me and I'm barking up the wrong tree? My doctor is not interested in it at all, as long as things are in range she thinks it's fine. I'm just so sick of being sick and if there's a chance I can improve symptoms I would really like to give it a go. I have copied all my results below, if that helps. Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me understand whats going on and what I should do next!
B12 199 ng/l (150-650)
serum folate 8.3 ng/ml (3.1-20)
serum ferritin 14 ng/ml (11-307)
Iron 27.9 umol/L (5.8- 34.5)
TIBC 63 umol/L (41.0-77)
UIBC 35.4 umol/L (24.2-70.1)
Transferin saturation 44.4%
WBC - 8.8 (4.4-11.3)
RBC - 4.44 (3.9-5.3)
HB - 13.0 (11.7-15.9)
HCT - 0.383 (0.35-0.46)
MCV - 86.3 (80-96)
MCH - 28.7 (27-33)
MCHC - 32.3 (32-36)