I haven't had a regular GP for years because a/ we haven't been in the country and b/ I don't trust them!
However, in order to get to the bottom of what I think is low B12 I was willing to go down the GP route.
Living in a rural area means surgeries are few and far between and there is just one in our 'catchment' area that we can register with. This in itself was a task that took time and immense amounts of patience!
Once I finally got to see the GP he decided that I didn't need a blood test as my diet (I am a raw vegan) was to blame for any/all ills and I should just eat better.....oh, and the fact that I am peri-menopausal also explains my symptoms apparently and I should consider HRT.....
Ok, then time well spent I would say!!
My symptoms are:
Extreme fatigue
Memory loss
Foggyness/jumbled thoughts
Tingling in my finger tips (when I get really tired).
Numbness in my toes.
Unable to catch my breath (again when I am really tired).
Finding this forum has been a godsend and I have been taking B12 sublingually for about a month/6 weeks now.
It helps a little, but my job is very active and long hours and it is not enough. So, I am looking to self - inject.
However, I am thinking that I should really still get a blood test done before I go any further.
I am happy to pay for this privately and have been looking online to see if this would be a good option.
Has anyone heard of or used this company before - bluehorizonmedicals.co.uk ?
They do a thyroid test which tests for the following :-
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies
Thyroglobulin Antibodies
Vitamin B12
C Reactive Protein
Would this be worthwhile persuing or would it be better to find a private GP to see?
Also, would the fact that I have been taking B12 sublingually affect the results?
Thanks in advance....