Hey everybody,
Thanks again for all of the support recently. I have a few more questions about anemia, white blood cells, and recovery. So I have attached my original results from my first blood test 3.5 months ago. Homocysteine through the roof. Low RBCs, HGB and HCT. And of course low b12. Iron and folate were (and have been perfectly fine). Strangely, my MCV and MCH were in the normal range. My doctors and I concluded it was due to b12 and I've been heavily supplementing b12 through injections, orally and sublingually for the last 3.5 months.
My white blood cells were also low with neutrophils being the lowest. I just saw some info about b12d lowering your WBC and neutrophil levels as well. ( youtu.be/Z8WmHK_QDtw ). I thought this was interesting and also proved the point that I was indeed b12 deficient.
I've been complaining about my persistent anemia even after 3.5 months of bi weekly injections and daily oral supplements. My last blood test (1 month ago, so 2.5 months in) had my HoCy: 6.1; RBCs: 4.01; HGB: 12.7; HCT: 37.8. Homocysteine plummeted. Slight improvement in my RBCs, no change in HGB, and mediocre improvement in HCT. All of that pretty disappointing to me and question if what I'm doing is right and if b12 was actually the issue.
But tonight I looked back at my WBC and neutrophils from my last test and they lve increased pretty dramatically. WBC: 3.8 and Neutro: 1626. How should I interpret this? Is my body putting all its effort and b12 resources into WBC creation instead of RBCs until its corrected first? Am I way off? Why would my anemia not be resolved yet if iron and folate are and have been great? My doctor thinks is may be from too frequent and too many blood tests (iatrogenic anemia) as I was getting a blood test every week or 2. But idk. I'm getting another blood test next week as it's been well over a month and will be sure to update this post.
Thanks again everyone