PK and mercury poisoning from amalgam fil... - Cure Parkinson's

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PK and mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings, and vaccinations (particularly flu vax)

slippy profile image
30 Replies

The symptoms of Parkinson's are akin to those of mercury poisoning. And as many 60yr olds were forced by their stupid brainwashed dentists, to accept a mouth full of amalgam fillings back in the day, that's why so many people suddenly hit overload of mercury poisoning at age 60, your body can no longer de-tox fast enough and the load has stored in the brain. Using Chlorella (ideally the Taiwanese powder that's best regarded as being world class/check it out) the brand Organic Burst do a good Taiwanese better tasting powder. Also some amino acids ie NAC N-Acetyl Cystine and some other of the sulphur amino's are also useful, as is vitamin C.

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slippy profile image
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30 Replies
jujulini profile image

i agree, and thats why it comes as no surprise that they predict that pd cases will keep rising. and there are still dentists who use amalgams. and most dont know how to remove them properly. (which is how i got pd).

those chelators you mentioned are good, as long as people know that you MUST have amalgams removed (properly), before taking any chelators, or the mercury will go right to your brain.

slippy profile image
slippy in reply to jujulini

Hi. I did not know that chelators would cause existing Mercury amalgams to move Mercury to the brain. I understood that whilst they were sealed the Mercury was in a stable state, and it was during removal that was when Mercury gas was released. Also I understood that Chlorella bonded with Mercury and carried it out of the body, rather than moving to the brain. Thanks for replying, it's interesting to share ideas.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to slippy

the mercury is not stable. every time you chew, brush your teeth, have your teeth cleaned, maybe grind your teeth when you sleep, mercury is released. my symptoms started about a week after i had a mercury amalgam filling removed improperly - unable to finger tap (in my toddlers music class), dragging of left foot, unable to swing left arm, extremely slow movements. it looked like i had a stroke. you can read my profile for more details.

when i finally had my mercury level checked, it was 30 (lab said it shouldnt be more than 4!)

i cannot stress enough - DO NOT CHELATE WHILE YOU HAVE MERCURY AMALGAM FILLINGS IN YOUR MOUTH! chelators bind with the mercury and it is then removed from the body. but it cant get it all at once, so what is left is basically stirred up until the next chelator dose. but with the amalgams still in your mouth the overload is so great, the chelator cant keep up, because the levels of mercury are constantly there, so its a losing battle, and the excess goes right to your brain (hence the neuro problems, etc). dmps/dmsa challange tests essentially do the same thing, which is why people feel worse after them. it is better to do a heavy metals test on hair or with a 24 hr urine sample. then get the amalgams removed by a biological dentist that will do them properly (dr huggins method, there is plenty of info online about how this is done).

after that you can chelate. but in order to do it with the least amount of further damage, the method that andrew cutler recommends is the best. that is to take the chelator at regular intervals, every 3-4 hrs, depending on the chelator, around the clock (set alarms, whatever you have to do). the theory is that doses further apart, especially high doses once a day, will stir up the mercury, but wont be able to handle the load, and you will be left with excess mercury floating around. if the chelator is taken around the clock, you will always have a constant level in your system able to handle the mercury.

there is alot of info re andrew cutlers method on line, but i have included one link--

JANVAN profile image

Hi !

Check out this site, the most of them in German but also some in English.....that doctor is wellknown in Europe, but he doesn't take new patients anymore (are you have to wait over 1 year...,)

Has also written a book in English !)

Cagey84 profile image

Before anyone rushes to the dentist, read this - I’d rather trust the FDA on this one, as PwPs we have enough to worry about. We don’t need scaremongering about getting all of our old fillings replaced.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to Cagey84

NEVER trust the fda!

in reply to jujulini

Mercury in its amalgam state is stable. I trust the British Dental Association.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to

i assume the british dental assn is akin to the american dental assn, and they cant be trusted. they can see all the lawsuits that would result if they admitted that mercury is harmful. watch the video links that i included with my other reply to this post. it shows the mercury vapor escaping from a filling.

in reply to jujulini

That is not chemically possible for a stable amalgam. You seem to be very espoused to chelation. If the evidence you think you see is so strong, why have there been no successful class actions? Or is this another belief you have like that on vaccines. Non-vaccination of children leads to dead children.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to

then i guess my daughter is a miracle - healthy at 18, no vaccines , no antibiotics, no pharmaceuticals. but vaccines are off-topic...... there are class action lawsuits pending in the us. and yes, i am espoused to chelation, if you are mercury toxic, as i was. i sense alot of anger in your replies. why all the defense of mercury? alot of people have been poisoned, and sickened. and leaving one of the most toxic materials in the world in your body has to be harmful. its just common sense.

in reply to jujulini

She is not a miracle but lucky. We have had deaths of children in the U.K. because of a loss of herd immunity. If she is going to university then she is at risk of meningitis. It will be interesting to see how the rest of her life goes.

Vaccines are off-topic - look at the heading of your first post. OK for you to mention them but not for others?

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to

this isnt my post. i only replied to it. i encourage you to watch -- "the truth about vaccines docu-series episode 1" on youtube. all those mds and scientists cant be wrong. im sorry i cant provide the link, but it wont let me paste a usable one.

in reply to jujulini

They can be wrong. The last big anti-vaccine Doctor in the U.K.(around autism) was struck off the Doctors Register.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to

they address those issues in "the truth about vaccines". i am done with this conversation, because it will only continue to go back and forth. mark twain said it well, "it is easier to fool people, than to convince them theyve been fooled."

slippy profile image
slippy in reply to Cagey84

No it's a slow replacement I would recommend as and when the old fillings fail, but get non Mercury fillings. As I said the problem with removal is Mercury gas release.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to slippy

if it is done properly, it is kept to a minimum. it is better than having the mercury constantly being released while still in your mouth.

Astra7 profile image
Astra7 in reply to Cagey84

My dentist told me that removing them causes a miniscule release of mercury but if they are left in place they are harmless.

As this advice meant he wouldn't make any money I take it to be true!

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to Astra7

years ago, when i had mine removed, several dentists told me that a dentist could lose their license if they said anything negative about mercury. i dont know if thats still the case but that puts up a red flag to me.

in reply to jujulini

Your dentists were not being truthful. Dentists have always been free to flag-up medical concerns.

Cagey84 profile image

I agree, Slippy, when mercury fillings fail, replace them with something else; but mainly because there are better alternatives. There doesn’t seem to be any justification for proactive removal.

slippy profile image
slippy in reply to Cagey84

Mercury cleansing.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to Cagey84

cagey84 - there is justification - mercury vapor is released every time you chew, brush your teeth, etc! check out these short videos.......

in reply to jujulini

You really cannot stand anyone disagreeing with you. Are you trying to say that people living with PD will be healed if they have their amalgam fillings removed?

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to

i never said that. but, its only common sense that it is not a good idea to keep a known neurotoxin in your body.

in reply to jujulini

So you are saying that or why would you post on a PD forum?

ddmagee1 profile image
ddmagee1 in reply to jujulini

Thank you for your good advice, jujulini. It is never a good idea to keep a known neurotoxin in one's body, for sure!

slippy profile image

I sense a dentist online.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply to slippy

lol. my thoughts too.......

in reply to jujulini

Always good to have someone who actually knows what they are talking about! Sorry to disappoint you but I am not a dentist although I did assist our Department of Health and Social Care in rewriting the commissioning guidelines for specialised dentistry. I now spend my time in Clinical Research- at the moment in dementia and cancer.

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