Many times I wonder why I have seen many writings of the use of Thiamine hcl in the form of inyectable or capsules but never of the powder usage? Is something wrong? sell capsules and powder forms for HDT. I bought a package of the powder, 1 tea spoon delivers 2 grams of thiamine hcl, I mix it with plain water has a tarty tolerable taste, some times I use a little amount tomatoes juice to neutralize the taste, but I do not know what I'm doing. I take it at 8am and 4pm. Any advice?
Why not Thiamine hcl powder form usage ? - Cure Parkinson's
Why not Thiamine hcl powder form usage ?

Actually several forum members have mentioned using the bulk powder as their source of B-1 as opposed to IM and oral capsules and pills. The advantage to the pure powder form is that it has no fillers and if you are a responder to HDT/B-1, no fillers may be an important thing since as a responder, you will likely be taking B-1 for the rest of your life.
One forum member went so far as to develop his own B-1 supplement in a vegan/vegetarian acceptable capsule that has no fillers. He sells them and there is a link to his product in the link below.
A major downside to bulk powder is the bitter taste of it which some people are not going to be able to handle everyday for the rest of their lives. The bulk form is fairly inexpensive, but is not very convenient when traveling or testing HDT/B-1 because you have to measure and mix each dose exactly to make sure you are getting the exact same dose each time. When testing HDT, it is much easier to use premeasured capsules or pills that give the exact same dose each time.
Generally, I believe that people who are using the bulk powder form may be better off having some pills or capsules on hand in case it is not possible to mix your dose at the time it is needed, such as in a car while driving.
Here is a link to a ton of information about HDT/B-1 that will answer many questions you may have on the subject :
8am 2g
4pm 2g

Thank you RoyProp, you are an inspiration, I had picked the 8am & 4pm following your advice. PD, like many deseases, is very scary and worse because it is progressive & has no treatment. I take Sinemet 25/100 4/day, Mirapex ER, Exelon patches and now I have worked my way up HDT 2 gms powder 8am & 4pm (I carry the capsules for when I travel). Thanks for your concern and reply. May God help us.

Sorry if you have answered this already but is that just before breakfast and dinner on empty stomach, or with food?
I follow RoyProp recommendation, who follows Dr. C. & do it at 8am & 4pm (+ or - minutes) irregardles of food.
Irregardless or 1 hr before and 2 hrs after or thereabouts. Now, 7am and 7pm

Roy, I like to caution people about the possibility of sleep problems for some people. I am one who can’t take it after 3:00 or it interferes with my sleep. I’m the same way with caffeine including chocolate.
As long a you have used a proper scale to confirm you are getting 2 g that is good. Personally I found the powder too bitter to take unencapsulated.
Powder is fine. I’ve heard it is very bitter tasting. You do need to measure by weight to get accurate consistent dosing. A teaspoon may not be accurate enough. I prefer the convenience of capsules myself. Beware for some, like myself, if taken in the evening it can interfere with sleep.