I'm looking into the connection between mercury and PD as they both attack the same two brain regions that have the most dark neuromelanin cells, the SN and LC. Mercury poisoning is hard to distinguish from PD. They both exhibit tremors, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, and inability to concentrate. Iraq has the highest incidnce of PD in the world and in 1971 they had the worst imaginable mercury disaster, the worst in history, greatly affecting the children who are now (apparently) being diagnosed with PD.
Most of the mental problems in PD and mercury poisoning appear to be the LC damaged whereas balance and tremors might be more related to the SN. Mercury can actually travel through neurons and inhaling is the route of exposure for inorganic mercury. The LC is receives inputs from the nose.
Anyway, is anyone taking norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine, duloxetine), or norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (bupropion)? These are drugs that are supposed to compensate for a damaged LC.