Is anyone taking glutathione who still has amalgam fillings? Does anyone know if there's a problem with this?
Glutathione and amalgam fillings - Cure Parkinson's
Glutathione and amalgam fillings

I have been told by a Feldenkrais practitioner to have all amalgam fillings removed by a holistic dentist 3 months prior to taking glutathione....also any vitamins containing ALA.
DO NOT attempt to chelate or detox mercury if you still have amalgam fillings in your mouth. the mercury will go right to your brain, and you will be much worse. have them removed properly first.
Would you explain a little bit more about this please? I have amalgam fillings and am taking NAC. Would that cause the same problem?
I have a lot of amalgam fillings and would like to have them out, but having dental work done stresses me out. It's a conundrum.
I've heard that having them removed can be worse than having them. Plus, it's major dental work and expensive. I saw Laurie Mischley (well known ND who is the driving force behind intranasal glutathione research, among other things). She did not push or recommend having amalgam fillings removed, nor does my current ND.
any chelators will do the same thing. chelators bind with the mercury and it is then removed from the body. but it cant get it all at once, so what is left is basically stirred up until the next chelator dose. but with the amalgams still in your mouth the overload is so great, the chelator cant keep up, because the levels of mercury are constantly there, so its a losing battle, and the excess goes right to your brain (hence the neuro problems, etc). dmps/dmsa challange tests essentially do the same thing, which is why people feel worse after them. it is better to do a heavy metals test on hair or with a 24 hr urine sample. then get the amalgams removed by a biological dentist that will do them properly (dr huggins method, there is plenty of info on line about how this is done).
after that you can chelate. but in order to do it with the least amount of further damage, the method that andrew cutler recommends is the best. that is to take the chelator at regular intervals, every 3-4 hrs, depending on the chelator, around the clock (set alarms, whatever you have to do). the theory is that doses further apart, especially high doses once a day, will stir up the mercury, but wont be able to handle the load, and you will be left with excess mercury floating around. if the chelator is taken around the clock, you will always have a constant level in your system able to handle the mercury.
there is alot of info re andrew cutlers method on line, but i have include one link---
Not true,you need a chelator,if not you will get sicker....I refuse to not detox and I refuse to let dentist take out the amalgam,I told the dentist to take out the entire tooth and she did because I am not trusting anyone to remove just the amalgam because one mistake can cost you your life.I need to get more out and my son wants his removed.He is detoxing from mercury from amalgam,childhood vaccines etc...We can not let this stuff just take over our life....cilantro and parsley or activated charcoal, herbs,vitamins etc space out the charcoal because it absorbs everything......I noticed that his skin is looking better,no more dark ring under eyes etc..By the way some essential oils can be used to detox by applying on feet etc.....yes some will say not true but it is true.
I took glutathione intranasally for a couple of years and then capsules for another year. I have amalgam fillings and neither of my naturopaths (one of whom is the primary investigator for intranasal glutathione research) ever mentioned anything about fillings.
I don’t take it Daffers.
I want to add that I remember discussing the pros and cons of removing amalgam fillings with both Laurie Mischley and my current ND in a general new-patient conversation, but NOTHING was ever said in the context of a warning re glutathione.
No,I just read many horror stories how dangerous it is if you have amalgam.I'm assuming its the synthetic glutathione given by reg doctors and holistic doctors.I think its ok to get it from food and fruits such as organic avocado etc..