I was born with a twisted body including bilateral talipes ( club feet). The pain of the physio that I vaguely remember, was nothing compared to the pain I suffered after an operation on my left foot. I had a flesh eating disease, lucky to be alive. The relief from pain never went away, I was 7. Until 3 years ago I felt I was in the wrong, that it made me a freak. What changed? The Pain Management Team in Ross- on-Wye helped me so much, I have a life. I graduated University at. 54 years old, I have a life. The pain is still here but unless I overdo things it is manageable. They taught me to just say " NO" so my family know when I can't do something, that I'm not being awkward. If you get a chance to attend a course do so, focus on what you can do and forget the rest.
Pain, my constant companion since 1961, but n... - Pain Concern
Pain, my constant companion since 1961, but now it doesn't matter.
Agree with teadrinker. I am soon to go on a course I hope I have your mind set to enable me to get the best from it. Love you handle by the way. Keep on truckin'.
Good for you! I did something similar years ago. No is hard to say but people survive you saying it. it's harder to not say it and it causes you stress and pain.
respect, sandra.
Pain is a life life alterer, I always try to feel peoples pain and walk in thier shoes Over many years you need too say NO AND KOW YOUR LIMITS. this sometimes is hard too do.
One of the main ways of getting to accept your problem tis ask the doctor to send you to a pain clinic and do the full course as you may feel a little self embarrasmennt when learning to relax.
Personally I have been thankfull to be able to be able to attend paian clinic an two areas of the NHS. and done further courses in differand areas of health also a volateer in mental health
I am now on a patient consultation commitee at the doctors surgery, and now have the oppertunity to become part of NHS LINK, a stearing brainstorming committe consisting of
differant organizations and NHS proffesionals.and the general public
Life is sometimes negative, although with hope you can make things positive.
I feel your pain, We all need to keep a hold as that what the population expects us too do
The population generally now sees the person not the disability
Unfortunately people do not understand hidden disabilities, and the media doesn't help. I wish you luck in all you do.