For the past year I have been living with a lump on my sternum which causes consistent pain in my back shoulders and arms, especially if I move my arms or lie in a certain position. I have had test done and a MRI has shown swelling of some sort where the sternum sticks out. The doctors don't know what's wrong and the pain is getting to me and I don't know what to do to help ease my pain. I take painkillers but they only help occasionally I don't know if I hold speak to a GP as the pain is starting to affect my mood, I feel more easily upset and irritable. Or if there are other ways to help reduce my consistent pain.
Constant pain affecting my mood- help needed ... - Pain Concern
Constant pain affecting my mood- help needed to deal with it or to see my GP

Hey sorry to here that what meds are you taking and please don't wait around if the pain affecting ur mood call ur doctor until you are feeling at least a little better we all shouldn't suffer with pain and I know the feeling and understand how u feel emotional crying for help maybe believe me there's so many people that have unbearable pain including myself when u wake up tomorrow morning call you doctor straight away and don't suffer alone with the pain xx
Pain sucks. Did your issue result from a fall or sporting injury? The GP should send you to orthopedic or sports medicine specialist to see exactly what that lump is, since the MRI revealed nothing so the GP says (You should get a copy of the MRI report) GPs tend to down play results they can’t seem to help themselves.
I broke my back at the bottom one time a while ago. It’s very hard to see on a normal x ray but the pain was awful. Try to push for further investigations.

Hello there,
It sounds like you're having a difficult time experiencing the pain you describe.
It would be useful to speak to your GP as you mention the pain is affecting your mood - the GP would be able to discuss treatment options to help improve your mood.
At the link below, you will find some information about 'living with pain' and some alternative strategies to pain medication, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that have been found to be effective for pain management and mood-related difficulties:
In addition, here is a link to an information leaflet about 'stress, pain and relaxation' - it will talk you through some relaxation exercises you could practise to help to manage the pain.
I hope you find this information useful.
Moderator 4, on behalf of Pain Concern
Teitz Syndrome?