Dr says my pain is in my head...I have JHS and already booked in for surgery (attached is a photo of my arthrogram... I'm just proud because I have a severe needle phobia and panic disorder... So when I was told I had to go in to have the needle done alone as it's done under x-ray, it was dangerous to have someone hold my other hand (nurse should have sodded off, she just sat at the base of the bee the whole time telling me I'm doing great why I'm internally imagining the Dr putting too much ink in and shoving my shoulder out n having to wait for my body to metabolise the ink before I can have my arm use back!)
Diagnosed after Dr reluctantly sent me to physio, physio said I'll have been born with it... Did some research and he's bang on. Had subluxations since I was 12... 20 years of almost daily shoulder subluxations, pain, insomnia because pain keeps me awake...
Heck, my lumbar is so bad I've shrunken 2 inches since my 16th birthday!
Came off pain meds whilst pregnant as they're opiate based, Dr said I did well without them so I obviously don't need them (no dear, I didn't leave my apartment for 9 months because I was in agony! And now the repeated not leaving apt has left me with agoraphobia, so pregabolin for that after breaking down in a full panic attack... He'd never seen one till then!)... So, no pain relief for 3 years, can't have paracetamol as it makes me sick, long term naproxen use gave me a dodgy left kidney and anaphylactic shock (same Dr, left me on them for 6 years without regular kidney checks... Cheers Doc!) so they're out of the question.
What can I do? A surgeon and a physiotherapist have both said my pain is not managed. Next nearest Dr is ages away, I barely get to this drs without freaking out...
Any advice on how to deal with this pleb? How he got his PhD is beyond me, I had to explain that hypermobility and joint hypermobility syndrome are basically the opposite end of the scales... One super bendy, the other stiff and painful!