Help. I am not getting very much sleep. I have had trouble with hot feet st night for a few years but was only awake for perhaps 1/2 hour. For about three weeks it has come on about 2am for an hour but the past fortnight it has been about three hours, last night was awake at 3am and have not been able to get to sleep since 9am. at present they are going between hot and very cold. Any suggestions what I can do would be wonderful . My Dr. could not suggest anything. Thank you.
Burning feetam: Help. I am not getting very... - Pain Concern
Burning feetam

Might it be a reaction to some medication you are on.?
Sounds like peripheral neuropathy.
Get it checked out by a neurologist?
Hi I'd maybe change doc Or be firm with doc
As went on to long
Not good this situation
You should clearly have a diagnosis by now
and even possible referals etc
Could be a number of things
Nerve issuise
Disease etc
Or something different
I'd phone docs again
Try another doc if not have it out with them went on too long
If meds needed
There is sleep med
And nerve meds etc

Hello Victoria70222,
I can certainly understand why not getting much sleep can be troublesome.
It sounds like you've already discussed this with your doctor, which would be the first thing I'd recommend.
I'm afraid I can't help with the reason why you are experiencing it, but hope the following resources may help with increasing the amount of sleep you get: (leaflet) and our Pain Education sessions cover sleep, which can be booked here:
You may also like to consider asking your GP if they will refer you to a specialist for further investigation in to the cause of your burning feet sensation
-Pain Concern Admin
I having burning skin syndrome (small fiber neuropathy) I have a fan blowing across my legs and I wear sleep pants to keep my skin from touching each other.
hi Victoria, Soaking your feet in very cold water may help your feet at least temporarily. Sounds like it could be neuropathy. I have the same. Amitriptyline has helped. Continue to seek therapy from your doctor. Best wishes to you.
I’ve been suffering from the same for years, diagnosed as peripheral neuropathy - started on amytriptylene, then gabapentin but now on Duloxetine 60mg morning and 60mg at night - a lot better than it was