Left shoulder XRay report dated 25 Sept 2020 stated:
1] Moderate degenerative change in the a.c. joint and minor degenerative changes in the glenohumeral joint.
Since Sept 2020 the condition of the left shoulder has progressively worsened until mid November 2023 when I got up during the night and tripped over the cat. As I went through the air I thrust out my left arm and hit the floor. The ensuing pain was beyond belief.
I later went to our Hospital Minor Inuries Unit who checked it out, took an XRay and pronounced nothing broken. By coincidence later that day I had a pre-existing appopintment with my Surgery Physio who suggested, when the pain subsided, I do various exercises.
The pain never subsided, just lessened Didnβt put me off work ( I drive buses part time ) so I returned to work, lasted 6 days - phoned GP who then put me off work until 15 January 2024.
Earlier in January I attended an Ultrasound. This revealed a torn tendon on the rotator cuff. GP prescribed two advanced pain killers at different times - Gabapentin and Amitriplyne. Neither were successful due to unpleasant side effects - so I stayed with my old standby CoCodomol 30/500.
Since those distant days I have been referred to the care of an MSK Interface specialist who put me through a range of exercises and gave me an injection of Kenalog 20mg. Again sent me home but OK to return to work. He will ring me in 3 weeks.
The 3 weeks is up this coming Wednesday..... weβll see !
So, apart from XRay in Nov β23 and the Ultrasound no further image diagnostics has occurred.
My question is ....... apart from Ultrasound and XRay - what imaging techniques are available for me to explore the bone joint of the shoulder. NOBODY IN THE HEALTH CARE PROFESSION LISTENS TO ME ! I STILL CANNOT REACH, LIFT, STRETCH MY LEFT ARM WITHOUT PAIN.
So Since last Novem,ber Iβm still in pain, still scoffing CoCodomol. They don't get it, the pain is emanating from the bone. Nobody gets it !
I would appreciate your thoughts please. My thanks.