chronic pain and depression : does anyone get... - Pain Concern

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chronic pain and depression

Sugaree profile image
11 Replies

does anyone get really depressed every so often with the same pains everyday or a flare up? I try really hard not to complain and keep a positive attitude. I am on an antidepressant which usually keeps depression episodes shorter and helps me sleep. I like to be positive and hate myself when I am stuck in a sad mood. Anyone else?

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Sugaree profile image
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11 Replies
BenHall1 profile image


My pain comes from osteoarthritic shoulder, yep - both. The right shoulder had a steroid injection in April 2022 and is now quite calm, sleeping posture can aggravate it though. The left shoulder was the same until one night in mid November 2023 when I got up about 01.30am went to the bathroom and tripped over the cat. As I flew through the air in a downward trajectory I thrust my left arm out and hit the floor by the door jamb. The impact pain and subsequent ongoing pain was beyond belief.

A later visit to the minor injuries unit of our local hospital showed nothihng broken but a later Ultrasound showed I had torn the rotator cuff tendon in the left shoulder. My doctor put me off work for 6 weeks and initially I carried on with a pain relief medication I'd had for an earlier knee replacement issue ... CoCodomol 30/500. Then my doctor in her wisdom following my complaints that the Cocodomol wasn't working prescribed me Amitriptyline .... that was no good as it gave me diahorrea. Then she prescribed me Gabapentin ....... same side effect. I told my doctor at that point I wasn't prepared to be experimented with and I'd stay with Cocodomol ... even at a maximum dose all day every day.

Here in UK where I am, both Amitriptyline and Gabapentin are known as antidepressants yet are prescribed for pain control. Sleep is a massive issue for me as my sleep posture is crap ! totally crap ! I cannot sleep on my back, never ever have been able to. So I'm either a front sleeper or a side sleeper. Even if I start sleeping on my front I end up on one of my sides. My ideal and preferred sleep position is to sleep on my left side ......... but thats no good now as I get a return of pain in the shoulder. I seldom these days get a full, uninterrupted nights sleep due to left shopulder pain. My right shoulder is better but I seem to have a trapped nerve and I wake up with numbness in my right arm and often pain in my right hand fingers.

I do not get depressed as such BUT my positiveness takes a double whammy, AND my generally good nature, fun loving personality takes a great 'King Hit'. Often given to outbursts of anger.

I also find pain varies depending on the wearther ........ fairly pain free if humidity is low and barometric pressure high BUT if humidity is high and barometric pressure low then pain increases ..... as it does if there is an approaching weather change., I live on the Atlantic Coast of Cornwall.

So, Sugaree, you are not alone in this and I wish you well on your journey.


katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to BenHall1

Hi BenHall1, You speak about Gabapentin being an anti depressant I thought it was for Epilepsy in general but that it had been discovered accidentally that it was a good pain releif for arthritis, however not good for those with lung conditions were the main symptom is cough. The side effect of the runs is not good for other illnesses. Amitriptyline is an antidepressent but for pain it is given in a smaller dose. Co codamol causes constipation unless you use food to soften the bowel movement. I'm not a Dr but do know some of the things for pain. There are many drugs that cause muscle pain, plus illnesses too that effect muscle, like you I find weather effects pain too. So I think for Sugaree they have a long way to go in managing their pain with help from their medics of course and a lot of patience. Oh in my case I have multi joint arthritis, both shoulders been broken with impingment record, broken foot bone, and muscle pains from other illness plus growing old. L take opiods in small does but they are not ideal either. Some pain can be eased with light exercise or heat pads and a good pain releiver is a whiskey toddy at night I am told.

Sugaree profile image
Sugaree in reply to BenHall1

Thanks for sharing. I also have to sleep on my side. Right now I have alot of pain from pinched nerves in my neck radiating into my shoulders. Losing sleep because it hurts to move in bed definitely adds to depression. Thank you again for sharing your own struggle. Your honesty and reply was much appreciated

deejames profile image

Sad and frightening with a more negative attitude. Its hard to remain unaffected by pain that changes the way one live one's life. Meditation helps

cyberbarn profile image

I am sorry to hear about you feeling depressed. There is increasing evidence that this type of depression is caused by inflammation in the body getting into the brain. Many people with inflammatory conditions find that once the inflammation is controlled their mood lifts.

There is a book called The Inflamed Mind by a doctor who started out in rheumatology then switched to psychiatry, and realised that people in pain due to MSK and autoimmune conditions weren't depressed because they were in pain, they were depressed because of the inflammation that was causing both the pain and the depression.

So maybe see if you can get something to damp down the inflammation that is causing the pain, and it might help your mood.

caringkriket profile image

All the time and I am on 2 antidepressants and anxiety meds. When the pain gets bad where the pain pills don't work or my body won't work the depression gets really bad and it's hard to be positive for me because I just hurt all the time. It's terrible I am complainer but don't mean to be and that causes even more sad!

Sugaree profile image
Sugaree in reply to caringkriket

You could be describing me. I am also on 2 anxiety meds. It’s been so many years of daily pain, worse with age, I can’t imagine a pain free day , I would have to go back 40 years. My family doesn’t understand that I can’t fly anymore. I get angry at myself for being depressed then hear of a friend struggling with a terminal condition and I feel so badly for my complaining. Most of my family live across the country and it’s at least 6 hours flying time. Sadly,my father is 90 and I know I will not see him again or my sisters only because they would never visit me. Thanks for listening and responding. I hope today is better day for you.

MalcolmCClark profile image

HiI'm under the local mental health team who are struggling to find any meds that I can tale due to various conditions I have and other meds.

I do suffer with chronic pain and I do get how it can get you down. It also gets me down having to self manage all of my medical conditions.

I'm not sure what the answer is as the mental health teams only solution is pills which I can't take so they are at a loss what to do with me.

I also have borderline personality disorder which makes their job harder.

All I can suggest is to try and talk to someone about how you feel and get things out in the open.

A problem shared.

Good luck

Sugaree profile image
Sugaree in reply to MalcolmCClark

thank you, I am fortunate to have a very understanding husband. I think just reading posts and sharing on this website helps me to understand I am not alone in daily pain and all that goes with it. I hope you’re having a peaceful day. Your reply and understanding was very kind and I thank you.

Macblank profile image

Of course.

Things you used to do, and can't or now take days to complete.

Constant draining pain, every day, every minute, lack of sleep, disturbed sleep ... It wears you down.

Cancelling stuff cos you don't feel up to it, then hearing what a great event it was

... Again.

Yes, constant unending pain causes depression.

Yes, not being able to do what you used to, or not being able to enjoy activities you did before, it causes depression.

Regardless of whether you have existing mental health or not.

It's easy to slip and stay depressed ... Stay strong, look forward to things, enjoy small things ... This is your biggest weapon against sitting and moping.

Get out of the house as often as you can, push yourself


Sit and be a cry baby.

It's not easy, but you have a choice.

Sit and cry all day, or get out, and do something.

I push myself all the time. Some days my pain levels are high, and my tiredness from a week of little to no sleep, but if I don't get out and spend time away from the house, then it's easy to sit and cry and complain you never get to do anything.

The choice is yours.

Sugaree profile image

thanks for your reply, I pushed through some days and I feel better and I know it is important to do what I can. I take it easy for a few days before I go anywhere like visiting kids and grandkids next weekend. Once in awhile I get too much pain and can’t do much of anything. You’re right about not having a pity party . I at least try to putter around the house. Sometimes just calling someone or sending an email makes a difference. Hope your day goes well.

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