Feeling awful : I’ve suddenly got a terrible... - Pain Concern

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Feeling awful

Junny123 profile image
21 Replies

I’ve suddenly got a terrible pain above my stomach under my breast bone.. if that makes sense. When I breathe in and out it it’s so painful so I don’t take full breaths. Its happened to me before I’m sure but no this bad. Does anybody understand? I read something called costochondritis….

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Junny123 profile image
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21 Replies
Bevvy profile image

Sorry but I’m going to be very blunt here. If you are having difficulties breathing then you should be phoning 111 or gp at the very least. We can not diagnosis you and it is unwise that you are using this site as (apparently) a first point of call rather than seeking medical advice. That is inherently unwise, this site is meant to be for people with a variety of pain conditions who can seek help and advice from others. It isn’t meant to be for someone to have various things diagnosed and used as a diagnostic tool each time. Yes occasionally people ask for opinions about what something might be but not regularly. We are NOT medics here.

Am really concerned and worried that you posted 9hrs ago absolutely chest pain. Chest pain can be anything from mild indigestion to something extremely serious. Please is you haven’t done so call for medical support. I hope you have contacted someone and feel free to let us know how you are doing. Am sorry if you feel I have been harsh in my response but am really concerned for you and that you are not seeking proper medical opinions.

Junny123 profile image
Junny123 in reply to Bevvy

yes your reply was very blunt and actually UPSETTING and even made me so angry. Nobody is a medic here everyone knows that not only urself.first nasty reply I’ve received

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Junny123

We do have medics on this forum but not able to make a diagnosis from a few lines.

It is wrong for members to ask and I would agree with Bev that your first line has to be a GP or A&E. They are highly trained and if they can they help immediately. If they can't they a referral to someone who can.


Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Junny123

The minute I read your not, that's what I thought of. I think it's a common symptom which I've had as well. Not sure if it was from heavy lifting or maybe wall papering the kitchen or just what they call "bracing" which is just muscle tensing. Muscle tension can be an underlying condition for many symptoms since it interferes with the blood supply to the area. Magnesium can help, relaxation techniques that assist blood flow are really a basis for a lot of healing.

I'm not a doctor but I listened to one who said this many, many times on his bulletin board. It usually subsides rather quickly but flare ups happen and it is frightening.

Bevvy profile image
Bevvy in reply to Junny123

I’m very sorry you feel this way, but my answer was given out of genuine concern that someone who could be seriously ill and needing urgent treatment was asking for an opinion, on this type of forum. The brief information you gave could well indicate something as serious as a heart attack or something less serious such as a muscle strain.

Again I’m sorry I upset you and hope you feel better soon.

Junny123 profile image
Junny123 in reply to Bevvy

Rather not hear anything u say thanks as i will be leaving the forum aftr ur message.

Bevvy profile image
Bevvy in reply to Junny123

I have said I’m sorry and explained my reasoning. I genuinely don’t know what more I can say.

I can assure you I will not answer any more of your posts, if that makes you decide to remain in the forum.

Gigi71 profile image

I went to A&E a few years back, after a thorough check my heart and lungs were ok, they couldn’t give me a reason, however my GP said it was costochrondritus, inflammation of the breast bone.. I do have Rheumatoid Arthritis so wasn’t unusual, it eventually went.. I’ve had it one more time the next year, not so bad. Best to get it checked out though. X

Batty1 profile image

This could be a bad case of Gerd. I have this occasionally when my Gerd flares…. Feels like you being punched in center of chest.

Poodles59 profile image

Hi, it could be a hiatus hernia. I have one and get pain where you do, chest pain and sometimes it hurts to breathe.

Hope you sort it out soon to put your mind at rest.

greekqueen profile image

It could well be costochondritis, I have bouts of this, once I thought I had broken a rib and the pain took 3 weeks to subside.

What make things worse is when I lean forward and the muscles 'roll over the other' and I have to sit back for a while till it subsides.

If you are still in acute pain I would phone your GP surgery for advice tomorrow morning or call 111.

Ibuprofen may help in the meantime.

Hope you feel better soon


Imagine1 profile image

Hi Junny123, It does sound to me as though you have Costochondritis, I have this myself and your symptoms sound very familiar to mine, I will say it in a nicer way but if you can I would speak to your GP if you can see one and ask there opinion, I personally can't see my GP because they are still hiding under their desks and not seeing any patients. God help me if I am ill. I have had dealings with people on here, being nasty when I have posted something on here and it isn't for a diagnosis, just advice. Don't let it stop you from posting any concerns on here, this is what it is used for. Please let me know how you get on.

Junny123 profile image
Junny123 in reply to Imagine1

thanks very much for your message imagine1

Imagine1 profile image
Imagine1 in reply to Junny123

No problem, ignore what people say to you who are not very nice, I know it is hard to do, it would be for me. When you want advice which you clearly wanted , it would have been nice not to get nasty replies. Take care of yourself xx

munchthis69 profile image

im experiencing this same thin, my left side, and it's like swollen..... Anyways I've now been to the hospital4 times, and this last time they finally came at me with ibs, and I'm literally full of shit... But that doesn't explain the part whére i all started, my left side under my breastbone all of a sudden for suuuuuper pain ful and swollen... Then from there it's been getting worse and worse :

Danni54 profile image

HI. Please don't leave the forum. Bevvy's reply could have been gentler but please believe that everybody here is concerned for you and please go back to your Dr. I had the same problem as you with pain under my right rib's and was given a local Anaesthetic there by the Pain Clinic but 15 month's later it was found that I had lung cancer. I am NOT trying to scare you at all but this is why you really need to see your Dr. and push for an Xray. Weirdly enough my finger's were clubbed with the top of my index finger turning out the way! I had no idea that this MIGHT be a sign of lung cancer.

Keep pushing to have investigations done . We seem to have to fight for everything medical these day's which is exhausting when you don't feel well. People here, completely, understand how you feel and no, we are not medically trained but we all have sympathy for you. Please let us know how you get on.

All the very best.

Danni xx

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Danni54

I don't want to steal this thread but your post was so evocative First, are you ok? Were those your observations connected to the diagnosis or did it take more? If you care to answer, pm me.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Danni54

Oops, should have looked at your posts so will read those.

Danni54 profile image

Hi Junny. How are you? I have been worried about you. Please PM me if you would like to and need some support. People here are so kind and helpful so don't let 1 person put you off posting. I have been through what you are going through with somebody putting me off getting the help and support I needed . I don't think that Bevvy meant to hurt you. Some people are hurting so much themselves that they don't really know how to put thing's gently but I think she panicked for you and it came out wrong but you have the rest of us here and we are all here to help and support each other when we are struggling....especially with the medic's! Offload if you need to . I have done that a few times ! Please take care and let us all know how you are.All the very best,

Danni x

Junny123 profile image
Junny123 in reply to Danni54

hi Danni54 your message was lovely and so kind. Thanks so much. Yes I won’t let other people put me off messaging. 👍🏽 great to have people like yourself who I now know understands

Danni54 profile image
Danni54 in reply to Junny123

Hi Junny. I was SO pleased to hear from you. How are you? It's horrible when you are feeling rotten and you feel so alone sometimes but we aren't because there are so many of us who are in pain and going through a bad time. Thank goodness for these forum's ! We are all here for you and each other. Do you have a good Dr. ? I have to go to our Surgery today to have a blood test for my Osteoporosis because they want to give me Denosumab which is for bones but I found out that I can't have it because when I had lung cancer my teeth fell apart! I , so, wish that medic's would check thing's before they decide on treatment. Before I get on my soapbox again I had better get organised as I have a friend coming to cut my hair....thank goodness! I look like a shaggy mop just now! Please let us know how thing's are with you and take care .

Very best wishes,

Danni x

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