Hi it’s been quite tiring for me over the last two months as I’ve been suffering surfier pain on my head as I have a big growth since last year and my GP may think it is a brain 🧠 tumour growing as the lump last year about the size of my small finger nail and now it’s got to the size of my thumb and it spread from the side of my right hand ear round to my neck and it is affecting my right hand eye 👁 for some reason. So until I get the results back from the Hospital from my X-ray department as they are taking there time in doing so. And keeping me in the dark about it ok.
Head pain : Hi it’s been quite tiring for me... - Pain Concern
Head pain

Sorry to hear this Andrew.Are they saying, so far, that this is a benign tumour? Haven't said what the next step is yet? Definitely ruled out a cyst?
Wish your pain could be relieved.
You say it's now affecting your right eye? Any point in asking your Opticians to book you in for an emergency Eye check? I think they can still refer you direct to eye clinic if necessary.
About waiting for hospitals & doctors to get back to you with results, have you considered popping in to the xray receptionist with a brief letter (with all your details on) requesting written copies of your x-ray reports?
If you just ask for copies, you'll probably be given a dvd disc.
Hope they don't take much longer getting back to you & giving the right treatment.
Phone the Head /Manager in Radiology if you have to .
God Bless xXx
Hi Andrew, you really must get this as an urgent referral, I have had a similar experience of late, I too went to the opticians who told me everything was looking good, but it turns out I have Temporal ARTIRITIS, IT IS SERIOUS. eye pain behind my left ear , in different places over my head , I have PV but this is not the problem . They say it is also Labyrinthitis which could turn nasty. Be proactive and insist on urgent care. Never had it before PV. But it is causing concern as the outcome is not good. Very good luck and health.