Frustration over treating unrelenting back pa... - Pain Concern

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Frustration over treating unrelenting back pain delays in NHS

abellemed profile image
9 Replies

I've been diagnosed with severe spondylolisthesis in L3/L4//L5 and severe lumbar canal stenosis.

Treated with facet joint injections at L3/L4/L5, lasted 4 weeks.

That was back in August 2019. Referred to pain clinic for rhizotomies, seen in October via an appointment cancellation so earlier, but now waiting for exploratory nerve injections prior to the rhizotomies.

Pain is getting worse so I'm "furniture-walking" around the house now, unable to get out of bed to the loo quickly enough in the mornings or even answer the front door downstairs before caller gives up. It's so frustrating as I was always so active (used to get a cheapie Ryanair and explore cities like Pisa and Nimes on foot) and appear very young for my age (74). I still work but as a secretary part-time in NHs and sit down all day so that's OK, but hate taking all these painkillers when I'm at home and want to do housework or gardening. (I dread going to the supermarket although I used to love it, as walking from the car to get the trolley to hang onto seems like miles.) Maybe I will have to resort to a wheelie-Zimmer frame type of thing? Oh no - please hurry up NHS and get me sorted.

That's all for my rant of this evening!

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abellemed profile image
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9 Replies


I'm so sorry you are in so much pain. Do you manage to sleep ok. I get one hour or less sleep per night due to pain. I too have many conditions. Could you phone your consultant's secretary to see if your appointment can be brought forward as you are in so much pain. I used to be able to walk miles, I'm only 54, had to take ill health retirement last year,I must say my boss and everyone at work , family and friends were and still are brilliant, I had the best boss ever. You can pm me if you need to. Please take care of yourself Lynne

abellemed profile image
abellemed in reply to

Hi Lynne

Thank you for your kind message. Fortunately I do manage to sleep very well as the constant pain is tiring and I'm only without pain when sitting or lying down! I'm still working in the NHS (now part-time) as a medical secretary and know my orthopaedic team and pain management team but despite trying their best the clinic clerks cannot get me in any sooner (unless there's a cancellation which there was with the pain management appt). Just playing the waiting game whilst feeling more frustrated at my premature immobility....

It was nice just to be able to rant a bit last night, as my son must be getting fed up with me being so useless (he's come back to live with me after living in Spain for 8 years till the recession forced him back, then his relationship broke down after they all moved back to UK). Still, it was amicable, I get on really well with his ex and I see my grandsons (12 and 14) every week and at weekends for mini-rugby and big meals!

I struggle to do the hoovering etc (2 cats + hairy German shepherd), can't go up step-ladders, can't do lots of things now which I used to, so my son has to do them plus go to work himself. He has also had to put up with me being a bit ratty as well!

Anyway, I do hope you have found your enforced "retirement", when so young, is providing you with some fulfilment and a sense of being worthwhile. Do feel free to chat any time.


in reply to abellemed

Thank you. Please don't feel that you are useless, you are not!! It's not your fault you are I'll and I'm sure your son isn't fed up of you. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

pilates1953 profile image

Hi URocks - am in the same position - are you allowed to give me information about what CBD oil you use and where to purchase it as there are so many adverts out there which seem very confusing to me and I cant make sense of them

Sweetlucy profile image

I couldn't wait any longer and paid for a private MIR scan but still had a long wait to see a neurologist. Six month wait appears to be the norm.

drdeanbellavia profile image


There is something you might try that is nothing like what you are trying now and getting little relief with; bio-magnetic therapy. I use it for my back pain and it works wonders.

I have done a great deal of research using magnets over the past 12 years as regards back pain. One client of mine had spinal stenosis and couldn't walk without a cane. After lying on a 4"x6"x1/2" ceramic block magnet for a week, the pain was gone and he could walk without the cane. Another client couldn't sleep on his back so he strapped the magnet to his body and resolved his pain in a few weeks. Many of my other clients have had the same pain relief. You can get the magnets at:

or at some other company in your country.

IMPORTANT! Make sure the NORTH side of the magnet is facing your body. You can get a tester at:

When you go to sleep, place the magnet under the part of your back that is giving you pain and go to sleep. If it becomes uncomfortable during the night, just throw it on the floor.

I hope that this helps,


abellemed profile image
abellemed in reply to drdeanbellavia

I have a very wealthy friend who lives now in Marbella, she used to use all sorts of mumbo-jumbo so-called remedies which must have cost her thousands of euros but is now happy after having basic proper medical care back in the UK in the NHS for a) nasal polypectomy after spending years of magic cures for her bunged-up nose, b) vestibular disease, cured from feeling dizzy after having smoking things put in her ears which had made it worse by a charlatan she overpaid, c) weight loss due to poor gut bacteria cured by basic NHS gastroenterology intervention. She now realises that she was conned by all those "snake-oil" merchants who fleeced her out of her money and comes back to UK to get properly treated.

You tell me that "magnets" make people better??? I have a degree in psychology and am not one to be lured into placebo effects or vague auto-suggestion techniques. You and your sort should be barred from posting on here.

drdeanbellavia profile image
drdeanbellavia in reply to abellemed

If you will notice, I suggested that the bio-magnet (which costs very little) MIGHT help you if other remedies don't. It seems that your negative, angry memories triggered by your rich friend's attempts at help is causing your negative response to my helpful reply. Or maybe you have had personal negative experiences that drive your negative response.

I guess you have not had enough pain yet to try something you know nothing about.

The body cannot heal unless in an alkaline state (ask your doctors), which is what a bio-magnet does, it draws negative ions to the area to promote healing by the body. Physicians cannot heal you; they can only put your body in a better state to allow you to heal yourself; it is fortunate when one can find a physician who actually helps.

The fact is, many people on this website have tried and thanked me for my advice in helping them to resolve their issues. It was very rude of you to suggest that I should stop trying to help them.

You say that just because you have a degree in psychology that you have a right to put down things you don't understand; this is typical for a psychologist, most of whom don't understand much about human nature and healing. I have numerous degrees including a Ph.D. in Bioengineering from Carnegie-Mellon University. I have spent the past 50 years advancing the health care industry, including a 35-year analysis of "Genetic Human Personality", something you probably know little about. If interested see the attached link, which you will probably ignore if you are a fearful analyzer who runs away from what you don't know or more likely an angry director who refuses to believe anything contrary to what you think you already know.

I apologize for trying to help you.

Lizabeth1368 profile image

I feel for you I have been the same has you past from one to another in pain clinic I had the needle in my back sorry I got that done I am a ln more pain with getting the needle and they keep telling me now theres nothing they can do fore years i have been like this good luck x

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