L4 & L5 minor disc bulge / Pins & needles - Pain Concern

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L4 & L5 minor disc bulge / Pins & needles

putmebacktogether profile image

Hi all

I began suffering with initial lower back pain in April 2018. This was not caused by anything such as fall, accident or lifting. I had no previous back pain (or any pain) issues & was in good health.

It was a sharp pain as I sat down.

This has now progressed to worsened lower back pain & pins & needles to my left hand and foot. Which are now in my right hand and foot sometimes, too. Ironically, they’ve been really bad tonight on my left side only. The pins & needles started in December. Initially lower back for short while then left leg. Then spread.

I had results from a full spinal MRI scan last week & was informed I have a minor disc bulge at L4 and L5.

The hospital said it may be a slight pressure on the nerves, but nothing major. I’m not a candidate for surgery (too minor/surgeons won’t touch) or nerve block (for block as I have pins & needles on both side of my body) I have been left to it. They cannot help me. They said to see GP for different meds & that I won’t always be like this. Easy for them to say.

From the MRI, the hospital said my thyroid needs an ultrasound so I’m getting that done next week. I’m also getting a thyroid blood test too.

I feel at the end of my tether.

I felt honestly the happiest I have ever been in my life before this happened.

I have been signed off by the doctors since two months ago. I am a person who goes to work no matter what.

I am struggling mentally. This is really, really bringing me down. My whole life is on hold.

Could anything I’m experiencing be caused by a faulty thyroid or am I just clutching at straws?!

I’ve ordered some special cushions online - hopefully they will help. I’m trying to stay positive. But that’s easier said than done!

I was on medication but I’ve stopped in the last week as too many symptoms & mental fog. They were only taking the tiniest edge off the pain anyway.

I’ve started doing back exercises to try and strengthen my back. I’ll be trying some Pilates and to walk more, too.

I just want my “normal” life back.

Any advice very, very much appreciated as I don’t know what else to try.

Thank you.

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21 Replies
johnsmith profile image

Stop the back strengthening exercises. This can make the situation worse. You need to lengthen muscle rather than contract it.

See a McTimony chiropractor to help uncontract over contracted muscles. See an Alexander Teacher to help with muscle control so that you can reduce pressure on the disk.

You say you had "full spinal MRI last week". Does this mean that you had your neck scanned? I asking this because I have been told a number of years ago that the MRI scanners do not like to do a too large a scan. However, what was true several years ago may not be true now.

Assuming you had the neck scanned then the pins and needles in your hand may due to muscular pressure on blood supply or muscle behaviour causing pressure on nerve. You need to ask about this with medical profession or chiropractor.

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to johnsmith

Yes, my neck was scanned too - it’s fine

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to johnsmith

Thank you, I’ll follow your advice & get onto finding a McTimoney chiro & Alexander teacher

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to johnsmith

Hello John, I just wanted to send you a message & thank you, so much. After your post on my message (L4/L5 bulge & pins & needles) you advised me to see a McTimoney chiropractor. I’d never heard of this term before. I looked it up and found someone local. I’ve now seen him 3 x times & WOW what a difference. He is a miracle worker. He has given me more information about my body than any hospital or Doctor. Turns out I have arthritis in my neck, pelvis out & bottom of spine twisted. However, I am in a much better way, both mentally & physically since seeing him. The worst of my pain has gone, I cannot believe it! I’m looking to do a phased return to work next month, too. So thank you, again. I appreciate your help from the bottom of my heart!

LisaKB profile image

Hi there,

You sound like you are telling my story. I know it feels like your life will never be the same again but you will. It’s a positive that Doctors have said no surgery is required, and this should only be a very last resort, also really positive that you have stopped meds, good, don’t take them. The key is movement and stretching the muscles that are working overtime because of the injury, and this pain can and will refer all over back if the muscles are not addressed. My advice is to walk as much as possible, and carry on as much as normal; what I mean (and within reason, no heavy lifting etc) don’t be afraid to use your body, bending forward to pick something light up off the flooor etc, use your body normally. Secondly, you need to find yourself a good professional practitioner (would highly recommend paying private) for physiotherapists, sports therapists, who can treat your tense contracted muscles but can also advise you on appropriate stretches for you to follow. There is also lots of good books out there on stretches for backs also. I do mine everyday day and I now have less back pain than I did before my L5 prolapsed disc 3 years ago. And yes I still have little flare ups but they are less and less frequently and not that bad, and never stop me doing anything. Something that was a turning point for me was learning to trust your body again, don’t be afraid or ruled by the injury. From my experience I am now training to become a massage therapists, so much more interesting than working in an office. I wish you all the very best!

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to LisaKB

Thanks Lisa, very kind response. I’ll get onto finding someone to help me today.

hosbay profile image

Excellent advice from LisaKB.

After 4 or more years of a journey through excrutiating sciatic pain, MRI scans, all forms of medication, cortisone injections, caudal infusion, failed operation to "explore and decompress sciatic nerve root" examinations by orthopaedic consultants and Neurologists I have managed to mitigate and live with my symptoms by "listening to my body", relaxation techniques, regular exercises and focus on well -being.

Best of luck in your journey.

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to hosbay

Thank you!

MrPain profile image

I was hesitated giving you advice on this because since day one when my pain journey started everyone around me became a back expert. I'm not an expert, but i'll tell you what worked for me. It started 2 years ago with a minor L4 and L5 disc prolapse slightly touching the sciatic nerve. After physiotherapy, a number of sessions with different chiropractors, cold laser treatments, sports massages and acupuncture, 2 epidural injections, opiums, antidepressants and visits at the pain clinic I'm finally 90% pain free. They will tell you to try all of these and you probably will because you will be desperate. If I could go back I'd make some changes with how i dealt with this. I'd made sure I'd give myself time to breath, relax and let my body fix itself. Simple eh? The issue is that I wasn't allowing myself to live in the first place. I had 2 jobs, a heavy smoker with serious emotional eating issues and plenty other mental issues.We live in a modern world but we (human sapiens) still function like our early ancestors. Your brain will protect you no matter what danger it faces. Your brain however is not evolved enough to distinguish a lion to a cigarette. Both are danger to the brain. So, when I remained in a soul destroying job for 3 years my brain made me bed bound for days to protect me. You cannot fix what you don't understand and the spine is pretty complicated. Read about your condition, educate yourself enough so you know exactly what is happening in your body and follow your specialist advice. Also make sure you speak to a therapist and get help resolving all issues you are mentally facing in your life which are causing this pain. I hope this makes sense, apologise English is not my first language. Your body will heal if you allow your mind to open up.

I'm 33 this year and never felt more alive in my life.

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to MrPain

Thank you, I couldn’t have put this better myself. I am also 33 in a few months but at the minute feel more 93. I just want to get better. I am a perfectionist sort of person who just “demands” things from myself & for myself to get better & return to work. However, I do know deep down I have to support myself mentally too & not be too hard on myself. I just need to keep in my vision that I won’t always be like this. Also yes, the world and his wife have given me ‘tips & advice’ but as we say, what works for one may not work for another. I put this message out last night due to desperation - tired of being tired, needing to hear I’m not alone & people understand what I’m going through is such a relief.

Thanks everyone - I really appreciate your input.

And the list goes on.... Your story's are very similar to mine... 25 years of trying different treatments etc, hoping for some sort of relief.

The GP's just leave you to 'it' as they don't know what to do either.

The Doctor refers you to the Pain Clinic who'll tell you that your GP's will manage your pain relief....

They can't give out any strong painkillers as the Practice managers drugs dispensed figures will look like they are giving out painkillers like sweets.

I already have Gabapentin, butrans etc..

I have been asking, crying, begging for a prescription for say 6 sleeping tablets where at least I can get a good nights rest every once in a while....

All night long I'm tossing, turning, spinning around trying to get comfortable and then the spasms start...

But no the Dr's dont like to give out sleeping tablets....


Sorry for the rant..... :0)

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to Steve_inpaintoolong

Don’t apologise. I couldn’t agree more

hosbay profile image

Hi again

Just thought that I would mention posts by someone whose nickname was ScottishMisty.

About 4 or so weeks ago she said that after 10 years of chronic spinal pain she tried a session of OldPain2Go and for the first time in over 10 years she was pain - free. I contacted her last week and she said that she was still pain - free.

As I said earlier I am now managing my condition and enjoying a reasonably normal life but, if my condition deteriorates, I will consider going to try OP2G or I may consider a spinal chord stimulator implant which I am on the waiting list for.

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to hosbay

Ah thank you - I’ll definitely have a look into that

air4ce profile image

Nerve pain, pins and needles; eventually could lead to having muscle atrophy. Rest assured, in the long run a minor surgery may likely be the end of your problems. The problem with herniated and bulging discs is the pressure they both apply to the spinal chord. Yes, pressure on the spinal chord will cause all of these symptoms and more. Please do not let me scare you with this stuff, it is all bad! For example; years of dealing with the pain and pressure will drive your mental health straight to the shitter! Do not let me be the bearer of bad news...your body is already expressing it's concern. Straight to the point...years ago 1996 I herniated a disc in my L4-L5, this created bulging discs from L2 through L3, I lived with the entire pain using medication as a band-aid. The truth to this story is that going through years and not having anything done cause me a short term of being paralyzed. This was a mind blower dude, and nothing is worse waking up not having the ability to be mobile. Ended up having immediate surgery; If I only had known to get the surgery completed in the prior years. Several medical conditions mobilized after the fact. Ended up having neurogenic bladder and bowels, my toes in both feet remain paralyzed, nerve damage runs down both legs causing muscle atrophy. One of the final conditions left me a little reminder...blood clots! Imagine needing to take a piss through a tube known as the catheter. If this shit does not grab your attention, then continue on the path your going. Sciatic pain is nothing to deal with especially when their is trauma on both sides of the body. Surgery or not surgery, your call! Yes, I have lost my mind over this and now deal with depression on a huge scale.

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to air4ce

So sorry to hear this. Thank you for your message. No surgeon will touch me (as I stand, if you will) as they say my problem is not “advanced” so I am not a surgery candidate.

I have a number to call to start with a chiropractor. I’ve emailed an Alexander teacher too.

Thank you again

regismeed profile image

I have also been dealing lower back pain coupled with sciatica pain on both sides. I can't sit and stand for long. I've been using a seat cushion made by "purple seat" and that have helped me.

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to regismeed

No picnic is it! I’ve ordered a couple of cushions and hope I can finally sit comfortably

Kasra_N profile image

Hi there, bulging disc can happen with lifting/falling or even with a simple daily activites, actually healthy disc never bulg or herniate, even if you lift the most heaviest weights !, you discs must be degenerative before any bulg herniation, most common disc degenrative reason is bad daily posture, as you say it is getting worse, keep your daily posture currect and try to be gluten free, and carefull about what exercise you do, all the bulges can be back and your disc become even more strong than old. doing injection of D3 and Omega3 in your daily meals can help heal faster, even injection of norobian can help you reduce pain by cure the nerve. try yo keep your body hydrate actually doctors cant do anything special for a bulge disc, it this level you need to take care of your self

putmebacktogether profile image
putmebacktogether in reply to Kasra_N

Thank you

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