Im 22 years old I've been having chest pains for the last 6 months had loads of ECGs all came back normal blood test come Normal the pain will sometimes travel to my left shoulder
Chest pain: Im 22 years old I've been having... - Pain Concern
Chest pain

Hi, I have something like that but I’ve had it for years. Pains like this should be checked out , my pains as I’m told are called (Costco neuritis) and it the inflammation of your rib age joints.
I hope this helps in some way but don’t forget about get back to your Dr.
Good luck.
Ive been to my GP loads of times he keeps on telling me to go to AnE because it could lead to a heart attack my GP words not mine 😔
Did you go to the A&E, because there could be bad news, anyway ask your GP to refer you to a specialist I’m quite sure they cannot stop you.
In my early das of having costa, I can’t spell words since I was diagnosed with dementia. lol.youll get the answers you seek in time.
I've been to AnE loads of time and I've had an ambulance out loads of time my ECG is always normal my oxygen levels are always 100 percent I've even changed my diet and started to slowly loose weight
There’s a lot of us with the problem like you and I suffer, on the NRAS it’s in HealthUnlocked and there are plenty answers on there, I do understand what you are going through so at least you know your not alone. X
Im just getting sick of the pain now and the GP brushing it off and keep on telling me to go to AnE x
Microvascular Angina causes pain but doesn't show up on ecg, bloods or any other test, ask to be referred to a Cardiologist, make sure it's one who recognises MVA.
Ive been tested for all that x
Its happened a day after me and my fiance was painting the house were in now x
As I said it doesn't show on tests, everything will look normal, that's why you need a good Cardiologist who knows about MVA, many don't understand it.
It will hurt even when im in bed chilled out
Does it get worse when you spread your arms out. Is it tender on your breast plate? I would have hoped that A and E would have ruled out Costochondritis, but if not, worth checking out - Often confused with heart attack. My daughter has had it for 6 months - Great results with acupuncture and osteopathy - forget the GPs - There is something called a BackPod which has great reviews -
The pain is constantly there even when im in bed chill out doing nothing
Sounds to me like gallstones or some sort of bile duct blockage. Ask if you can be referred for a gastroscopy.
Sounds like costocondritis, it’s chest spasms, they can shoot to arms etc, as it’s spasms, I imagine it feels like a heart attack, well that’s how I feel with it....
Also gallstones can do this, but the pain is different, sweating, sick, can’t move, crippled in pain, it’s debilitating.
Costocondritis you can move about with, but it’s painful, really painful, gallstones can put you on your knees!!
You shouldn’t stress about it as that makes it worse, there’s a lot of possibilities on here I’ve just read and there are many more.
Do you suffer from angina or do you have any other illnesses. Have you spoken to a Rhuemtologist because I’m sure they would find what it is and put your mind at ease.
I have no heart problems at all
What sort of pain is it? I’ve been having chest pain for years. Mine is a sharp stabbing pain on the left side over my heart
It's a sharp pain and it's always there
Mine too. Is it left side?
Its awful it hurts even when im lied down
Are the pains like sharp lightening bolts if that makes sense? Like a shocking pain?
Shocking pain
Hi bbe I have the same symptoms as you it’s called Costochondritis
It’s inflamation off the cartilages in your chest I’ve had mine since April they’ve got abit better but I still have it... I also get pain in my left shoulder... you need to take anti inflammatory tablets I can’t as I have acid reflux I’ve done nothing but rest it’s draining and I’m always tired..... id go back to the doctor or go to a n e and ask them if it could be that x
I'm not allowed a it inflammatory tablets I'm allergic