I am taking tonic water to try to help with cramp pain(legs). Has anyone else tried this with success? And it so how much to take and how long before it effects? I am using the diet one as I find it more palatable than regular.. Thanks for any info.!
Tonic water: I am taking tonic water to try to... - Pain Concern
Tonic water

Yes it definitely works. Check the bottles as the quinine content is different dependant on brand.
I also think - if I remember correctly - that the diet isn’t as effective due to the sweeteners acting as a diuretic.
Also putting then effected area to cold is very effective.
Best of luck
Take care.
There is low to medium quality evidence that 200-500mg of quinine a day can help with leg cramps. cochrane.org/CD005044/NEURO...
"Tonic water contains no more than 83 mg of quinine per liter—a much lower concentration than the 500 to 1,000 mg in the therapeutic dose of quinine tablets. Drinking a few ounces of tonic water shouldn't be harmful, but it isn't likely to prevent your leg cramps."
From health.harvard.edu/bone-and...
So it might be better to just make sure that you are well hydrated which is cheaper with water, but if you like tonic water, it won't do you any harm because the quinine in it isn't strong enough to have any effect.
Thanks for info. Bit of a relief as I'm not over fond of tonic water! Doc. more or less...Keep well advised same as you keep well hydrated, massage, keep warm
Yes, imagine having to drink 2.5.3 litres of tonic water. In fact if you did do that, you probably would notice a difference, but not because of the quinine, but because you would be well hydrated!
Hi, I have trued mag. spray in the past , used to work but no more. Can't take mag. orally because causes diarrhoea! Thanks for reply and advice anyway. All suggestions welcome
Failing that drink a few gulps of Schweppes Bitter Lemon- a while before bedtime. It has to be that one as it has the Quinnine in it. (Better tasting too I think) Babz
I always sleep on my side with a V pillow between my knees & feet. A soft mattress makes cramps far worse.

Re. Soft mattress I have recently swopped mattress with a firmer one from another bed and I think it does help! must raid the airing cupboard, got a feeling g I have V pillow there
Hi foxglove. I used to get spasms in my calfs when I would wake up I take baclofen and it did help

Thanks will check