Hi, I am scheduled for a lumbar discectomy in a few weeks time. I am just wondering how quickly anyone returned to work after the surgery? Thank you.
Return to work after lumbar discectomy - Pain Concern
Return to work after lumbar discectomy

This is unknown until after surgery. You do not know what the surgeon does to disc and back muscles. There is a possible danger to root nerves which could get damaged.
Thank you for your reply. The uncertainty is why I’m asking the question to find out how other people went on. There are a lot of variables as you say.
I would be interested to hear how the return to work was for others and how long they needed to remain at home post op.
Thank you
Hi Vegas, speaking from my own experience, I had exactly this procedure but as an emergency in 2012, I’d been off work for two weeks because I simply could not move, get out of bed or even wee in the end so went into hospital my ambulance with these red flag symptoms. It was Easter and apparently the only surgeon at the hospital was on holiday! I was in sheer agony, stuck in a foetal position and put on morphine. I waited a week like that till he returned, he saw my MRI on his return and came to see me Sunday evening and told me I needed emergency surgery the very next day, he actually had to cancel his clinic for me! Well the op was a complete success, honestly for me it was like an overnight miracle, sounds dramatic I know but to go from being unable to do anything (even eat) I was walking the next day and my leg which had been stuck for too long was again weight bearing! I had physio including hydrotherapy and went back to work around 6 weeks later but if I’m honest being part time, could have done this at 4 weeks, especially since I drive an automatic and it’s a sit down job. So wishing you a good recovery too, just do as surgeons and physios say and you will hopefully soon be back on your feet and free of pain.
Like I said it’s only my experience and I was great for a year though my left leg has never been the same since because I had to wait far too long for the surgery in the first place. In the 7 years since that op I’ve had to have many injections and procedures as the bulge at L5S1 has recurred but nothing like 2012 experience.
Best wishes, hope all goes well for you but don’t rush back till you’re better!
Hi Krawlins, it sounds like you had a terrible time before your operation and I’m so glad you got some relief from the surgery. I’m expecting some long term nerve damage because of how long I’ve been like this for but hoping for the best!! Your reply was really helpful. Thank you.
I have an automatic too which makes driving so much easier so hoping getting to work might not be too bad. I’m a bit of a workaholic so I think being off work will be hardest bit for me 😂😂. Like you say we need to listen to the experts!!
Do you think they will operate again on your disc bulge?
Best wishes X
Well for last 5 years I’ve had epidural nerve blocks and steroid injections, can’t remember the names of them all but as I improved after the most recent of them (foraminal ??) they will see me in 3 months and either repeat the same or if symptoms worsen again do another discectomy. I also have facet joint arthritis and had injections in those under x-ray guidance. After the last foraminal injection I couldn’t move affected leg for hours, had it done at 9, couldn’t go home till 5 till I could move it again which I think proved it really hit the nerve!
Good luck to you, hope it will bring you huge relief
Kay x
I've had two micro discectomies over the past 5 years . Both times worked well and was pain free . Recovery time be very careful the first 2 weeks . The doc will probably recommend 4 - 6 weeks off work . Make sure you do some stretches or physio a few weeks after the op too. They recommend at LEAST 3 months for any hard physical labour or sports type stuff. Try not to rush back to work (but still keep active) as the better you recover the better you will heal up and avoid a recurring injury. Good luck, you will be pain free and back to normal in no time .
Thank you markhall801. It’s good to hear that the surgery has worked for you. Fingers crossed I’ll be the same! It’s the 4-6 weeks of work that worries me more than the surgery! But I’ll make sure I follow the advice and stay at home! I certainly won’t be mucking out the horses for a long while.
Did the surgeon recommend any type of back support for you when you were getting back to full activity? How did you find driving etc?
Depends what type of work you do. If it's office work and not too physical for example then a couple of weeks recovery is all you would need I think . They actually recommend you go out and walk on it after the surgery , not too much obviously , just don't be lifting anything up for a couple of weeks at least lol
I wasn't recommended a back support but I'm sure that could help . Physio or stretching helps afterwards too. I felt much better a couple weeks after the surgey , but it was about 3 months until I felt my back was fully recovered .
Driving is fine after about a week but no long journeys as they don't recommend you sit in that position for too long post op. Hope this helps . 👍
Don't worry about work worry about getting fit, it took me 18 months went back to work on light duties for 6 months then had a huge 'spasm'...…... off for a further 2 yrs until they offered me medical retirement. Been struggling with my spine ever since had a further 2 spinal operations with little success. Been told to learn to live with it.
Thank you for getting back to me. I am sorry that you didn’t have the recovery we all hoped for. It sounds like you have had a terrible time. Being told to learn to live with it is very hard. I have another medical condition I was told to learn to live with but then I found a fantastic surgeon who changed my life...... I guess I’m hoping this surgery on my back will be just as successful. I’m sure you have have a second opinion??? Hope you are having as pain free a day as possible x
Depends on whether they are fusing after your discectomy. I had a fusion and disc removed at l5 s1 for retrololistthesis I was up and walking .5 mile in two weeks and back to work on light duties and reduced hours after 3 months And full time after 4 months, be sure to ask for physio once recovered as it wasn’t offered to me and have had lots of muscular skeletal issues since. Hope it goes well for you.
Thank you. The plan is just the discectomy but I’ll be sure to request the physio after the surgery. I’m not very good at recovery as you may have guessed 😂. How long ago was your surgery? Do you think physio is helping now?? X
My surgery was 2013 and it changed my life, can’t imagine what life would have been like without it altho I know I’d have been wheelchair bound. You’ll be fine just take it steady
I wasn’t given physio and because of that different muscles took over the work my lower back muscles should have done this is why it’s so important to get physio. They have to cut thru the muscles so stitching them back together isn’t just going to “fix” them. I have ongoing issues with my muscles but do not let that put you off if I’d have had the correct aftercare I probably wouldn’t have any issues now
Hello. I have not heard of this but will be sure to google it! Anything that helps get me back on my feet is a bonus and I am open to suggestions! X